Commit 25f9ab87 authored by Tomi Korpipää's avatar Tomi Korpipää Committed by Pasi Keränen
Browse files

Document conformance break of vertex attrib 0

Change-Id: I6528f3e3796ca0381de95d6b020a161ac996fa73
Task-number: QTBUG-45175
Reviewed-by: default avatarPasi Keränen <>
Showing with 15 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -66,5 +66,6 @@
\li \l{Qt Canvas 3D QML Types}
\li \l{Qt Canvas 3D Examples}
\li \l{Qt Canvas 3D Logging}
\li \l{Qt Canvas 3D Known WebGL Conformance Issues}
......@@ -182,3 +182,17 @@
to find root causes of rendering errors.
* \page qtcanvas3d-conformance-issues-html
* \title Qt Canvas 3D Known WebGL Conformance Issues
* \brief Known WebGL conformance issues
* \list
* \li No emulation for vertex attrib 0 arrays. Always have vertex attrib 0 array enabled.
* In desktop OpenGL on some platforms (for example OS X), nothing gets drawn if vertex attrib
* 0 is not array-enabled. You can use bindAttribLocation() to force a vertex attribute to use
* location 0, and use enableVertexAttribArray() to make it array-enabled.
* \endlist
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