Commit 5be124d7 authored by Tor Arne Vestbø's avatar Tor Arne Vestbø
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Blacklist Canvas3D_render_ondemand::test_render_3_ondemand on macOS

We now do QWindow::requestUpdate() via [NSView setNeedsDisplay] on
macOS, which triggers a race in the Canvas3D update code. Until we've
established what the cause is we're blacklisting this test, as it's
flakey and may not always fail.

Task-number: QTBUG-62963
Change-Id: I70b1468f94c1d478f35455d42d3daca783ae4d53
Reviewed-by: default avatarAndy Nichols <>
Showing with 3 additions and 0 deletions
# Race condition when doing requestUpdate via setNeedsDisplay
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