Commit 77fcee4d authored by Miikka Heikkinen's avatar Miikka Heikkinen
Browse files

Add mention of textureMirroring property to docs

Change-Id: Ibe5adb23d757e0a7fca9e9ac7bf6bb31418b3056
Reviewed-by: default avatarPasi Keränen <>
Showing with 3 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -135,7 +135,9 @@ CanvasTextureProvider::~CanvasTextureProvider()
* \note Qt Quick uses texture coordinates where the origin is at top left corner, which is
* different from OpenGL default coordinate system, where the origin is at bottom left corner.
* You need to account for this when specifying the UV mapping for the texture.
* You need to account for this when specifying the UV mapping for the texture. Alternatively,
* you can specify a suitable \l{ShaderEffectSource::textureMirroring}{textureMirroring}
* value for your layer or ShaderEffectSource item.
QJSValue CanvasTextureProvider::createTextureFromSource(QQuickItem *source)
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