1. 26 Jan, 2016 - 4 commits
  2. 25 Jan, 2016 - 1 commit
    • Christian Kandeler's avatar
      Bluetooth: Add more thorough checks for the Signed Write Command. · 85975139
      Christian Kandeler authored
      We now take the following rules from the specification into account:
          - Signed writes are only possible if the two devices are bonded.
          - Signed writes are not allowed if the link is encrypted.
          - If the link is encrypted, a normal (unsigned) write command can be
            used to write an attribute even if it is specified that a signed
            write is required. That is because the encryption provides the
            same level of trust as the signature.
      Change-Id: I15d6db10f9b039aeda026e57b0378aef2b88e73a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Blasche <alexander.blasche@theqtcompany.com>
  3. 22 Jan, 2016 - 2 commits
  4. 20 Jan, 2016 - 2 commits
  5. 18 Jan, 2016 - 2 commits
  6. 11 Jan, 2016 - 1 commit
  7. 05 Jan, 2016 - 5 commits
  8. 23 Dec, 2015 - 8 commits
  9. 22 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
  10. 21 Dec, 2015 - 4 commits
  11. 18 Dec, 2015 - 3 commits
  12. 16 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
  13. 15 Dec, 2015 - 3 commits
  14. 14 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
  15. 11 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
  16. 10 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Timur Pocheptsov's avatar
      qlowenergycontroller_osx - move delegate to the qt_LE_queue · 5e73fbe1
      Timur Pocheptsov authored
      ATM CBCentralManager's delegate does its work on the main queue. With
      CoreFoundation event dispatcher it's now possible to use QtBluetooth from
      non-gui thread (more generally - from a thread other than main).
      This makes main queue useless - and we have to move to a dedicated dispatch
      queue. Also, we have to make sure we do not have race conditioins/dead-locks.
      This patch:
      1. decouples OSXBTLECentralManager and QLowEnergyController so that these
      two objects working (potentially) on different threads do not share any data
      and do not have to use locks, removes the explicit 'delegate' interface/inheritance
      and replaces them with LECentralNotifier class - to be able to use Qt's signal/slot mechanics
      for inter-thread communication.
      2. all OSXBTLECentralManager's are now executed on qt_LE_queue queue
      to avoid any race-conditions (since they potentially update manager's
      internal state).
      3. Results/errors are now reported using LECentralNotifier's object
      (QLowEnergyController has corresponding slots connected to the notifier)
      Task-number: QTBUG-49476
      Change-Id: Ie07cdc13ad559c96a7d2ff010843fb7bcce07c99
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Blasche <alexander.blasche@theqtcompany.com>