Bea Lam authored
qtqml.qdocconf and qtquick.qdocconf now refer to the correct snippets and source directories. Snippet paths in .qdoc and .cpp files have been updated to refer to the new shortened path references, e.g. \snippet qml/file.cpp instead of \snippet doc/src/snippets/qml/file.cpp. This also deletes snippets from src/qml/doc/snippets that belonged under src/quick/doc/snippets (and were already duplicated there anyway) and restores some snippet files that shouldn't have been deleted. Also fixes some inline snippets to use \code .. \endcode instead of \qml .. \endqml as they contained javascript or partial QML snippets that were causing parsing errors from qdoc. There are still snippet errors arising from qmlintro.qdoc as the qmlintro snippets directory that it refers to cannot be located. There are also two references to a removed snippet identifier in examples/qml/cppextensions/plugins/plugin.cpp that need to be fixed in conjunction with the related docs in a later commit as the relevant code has changed and the docs are now invalid. Task-number: QTBUG-25721 Change-Id: I50c665245a74c140470c58a32546591d187dfe4b Reviewed-by:
Chris Adams <christopher.adams@nokia.com>
** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qquickborderimage_p.h"
#include "qquickborderimage_p_p.h"
#include "qquickninepatchnode_p.h"
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlfile.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qnetworkreply.h>
#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
#include <private/qqmlglobal_p.h>
\qmlclass BorderImage QQuickBorderImage
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\brief For specifying an image that can be used as a border
\inherits Item
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
The BorderImage element is used to create borders out of images by scaling or tiling
parts of each image.
A BorderImage element breaks a source image, specified using the \l url property,
into 9 regions, as shown below:
\image declarative-scalegrid.png
When the image is scaled, regions of the source image are scaled or tiled to
create the displayed border image in the following way:
\li The corners (regions 1, 3, 7, and 9) are not scaled at all.
\li Regions 2 and 8 are scaled according to
\li Regions 4 and 6 are scaled according to
\li The middle (region 5) is scaled according to both
\l{BorderImage::horizontalTileMode}{horizontalTileMode} and
The regions of the image are defined using the \l border property group, which
describes the distance from each edge of the source image to use as a border.
\section1 Example Usage
The following examples show the effects of the different modes on an image.
Guide lines are overlaid onto the image to show the different regions of the
image as described above.
\image qml-borderimage-normal-image.png
An unscaled image is displayed using an Image element. The \l border property is
used to determine the parts of the image that will lie inside the unscaled corner
areas and the parts that will be stretched horizontally and vertically.
\snippet qml/borderimage/normal-image.qml normal image
\image qml-borderimage-scaled.png
A BorderImage element is used to display the image, and it is given a size that is
larger than the original image. Since the \l horizontalTileMode property is set to
\l{BorderImage::horizontalTileMode}{BorderImage.Stretch}, the parts of image in
regions 2 and 8 are stretched horizontally. Since the \l verticalTileMode property
is set to \l{BorderImage::verticalTileMode}{BorderImage.Stretch}, the parts of image
in regions 4 and 6 are stretched vertically.
\snippet qml/borderimage/borderimage-scaled.qml scaled border image
\image qml-borderimage-tiled.png
Again, a large BorderImage element is used to display the image. With the
\l horizontalTileMode property set to \l{BorderImage::horizontalTileMode}{BorderImage.Repeat},
the parts of image in regions 2 and 8 are tiled so that they fill the space at the
top and bottom of the element. Similarly, the \l verticalTileMode property is set to
\l{BorderImage::verticalTileMode}{BorderImage.Repeat}, the parts of image in regions
4 and 6 are tiled so that they fill the space at the left and right of the element.
\snippet qml/borderimage/borderimage-tiled.qml tiled border image
In some situations, the width of regions 2 and 8 may not be an exact multiple of the width
of the corresponding regions in the source image. Similarly, the height of regions 4 and 6
may not be an exact multiple of the height of the corresponding regions. It can be useful
to use \l{BorderImage::horizontalTileMode}{BorderImage.Round} instead of
\l{BorderImage::horizontalTileMode}{BorderImage.Repeat} in cases like these.
The \l{declarative/imageelements/borderimage}{BorderImage example} shows how a BorderImage
can be used to simulate a shadow effect on a rectangular item.
\section1 Quality and Performance
By default, any scaled regions of the image are rendered without smoothing to improve
rendering speed. Setting the \l smooth property improves rendering quality of scaled
regions, but may slow down rendering.
The source image may not be loaded instantaneously, depending on its original location.
Loading progress can be monitored with the \l progress property.
\sa Image, AnimatedImage
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick2::BorderImage::asynchronous
Specifies that images on the local filesystem should be loaded
asynchronously in a separate thread. The default value is
false, causing the user interface thread to block while the
image is loaded. Setting \a asynchronous to true is useful where
maintaining a responsive user interface is more desirable
than having images immediately visible.
Note that this property is only valid for images read from the
local filesystem. Images loaded via a network resource (e.g. HTTP)
are always loaded asynchronously.
QQuickBorderImage::QQuickBorderImage(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickImageBase(*(new QQuickBorderImagePrivate), parent)
if (d->sciReply)
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick2::BorderImage::status
This property describes the status of image loading. It can be one of:
\li BorderImage.Null - no image has been set
\li BorderImage.Ready - the image has been loaded
\li BorderImage.Loading - the image is currently being loaded
\li BorderImage.Error - an error occurred while loading the image
\sa progress
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::BorderImage::progress
This property holds the progress of image loading, from 0.0 (nothing loaded)
to 1.0 (finished).
\sa status
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick2::BorderImage::smooth
Set this property if you want the image to be smoothly filtered when scaled or
transformed. Smooth filtering gives better visual quality, but is slower. If
the image is displayed at its natural size, this property has no visual or
performance effect.
By default, this property is set to false.
\note Generally scaling artifacts are only visible if the image is stationary on
the screen. A common pattern when animating an image is to disable smooth
filtering at the beginning of the animation and enable it at the conclusion.
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick2::BorderImage::cache
Specifies whether the image should be cached. The default value is
true. Setting \a cache to false is useful when dealing with large images,
to make sure that they aren't cached at the expense of small 'ui element' images.
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick2::BorderImage::mirror
This property holds whether the image should be horizontally inverted
(effectively displaying a mirrored image).
The default value is false.
\qmlproperty url QtQuick2::BorderImage::source
This property holds the URL that refers to the source image.
BorderImage can handle any image format supported by Qt, loaded from any
URL scheme supported by Qt.
This property can also be used to refer to .sci files, which are
written in a QML-specific, text-based format that specifies the
borders, the image file and the tile rules for a given border image.
The following .sci file sets the borders to 10 on each side for the
image \c picture.png:
border.left: 10
border.top: 10
border.bottom: 10
border.right: 10
source: "picture.png"
The URL may be absolute, or relative to the URL of the component.
\sa QQuickImageProvider
\qmlproperty QSize QtQuick2::BorderImage::sourceSize
This property holds the actual width and height of the loaded image.
In BorderImage, this property is read-only.
\sa Image::sourceSize
void QQuickBorderImage::setSource(const QUrl &url)
//equality is fairly expensive, so we bypass for simple, common case
if ((d->url.isEmpty() == url.isEmpty()) && url == d->url)
if (d->sciReply) {
d->sciReply = 0;
d->url = url;
d->sciurl = QUrl();
emit sourceChanged(d->url);
if (isComponentComplete())
void QQuickBorderImage::load()
if (d->progress != 0.0) {
d->progress = 0.0;
emit progressChanged(d->progress);
if (d->url.isEmpty()) {
d->status = Null;
setImplicitSize(0, 0);
emit statusChanged(d->status);
} else {
d->status = Loading;
if (d->url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String("sci"))) {
QString lf = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(d->url);
if (!lf.isEmpty()) {
QFile file(lf);
} else {
QNetworkRequest req(d->url);
d->sciReply = qmlEngine(this)->networkAccessManager()->get(req);
qmlobject_connect(d->sciReply, QNetworkReply, SIGNAL(finished()),
this, QQuickBorderImage, SLOT(sciRequestFinished()))
} else {
QQuickPixmap::Options options;
if (d->async)
options |= QQuickPixmap::Asynchronous;
if (d->cache)
options |= QQuickPixmap::Cache;
d->pix.load(qmlEngine(this), d->url, options);
if (d->pix.isLoading()) {
d->pix.connectFinished(this, SLOT(requestFinished()));
d->pix.connectDownloadProgress(this, SLOT(requestProgress(qint64,qint64)));
} else {
QSize impsize = d->pix.implicitSize();
setImplicitSize(impsize.width(), impsize.height());
if (d->pix.isReady()) {
d->status = Ready;
} else {
d->status = Error;
qmlInfo(this) << d->pix.error();
d->progress = 1.0;
emit statusChanged(d->status);
emit progressChanged(d->progress);
emit statusChanged(d->status);
\qmlproperty int QtQuick2::BorderImage::border.left
\qmlproperty int QtQuick2::BorderImage::border.right
\qmlproperty int QtQuick2::BorderImage::border.top
\qmlproperty int QtQuick2::BorderImage::border.bottom
The 4 border lines (2 horizontal and 2 vertical) break the image into 9 sections,
as shown below:
\image declarative-scalegrid.png
Each border line (left, right, top, and bottom) specifies an offset in pixels
from the respective edge of the source image. By default, each border line has
a value of 0.
For example, the following definition sets the bottom line 10 pixels up from
the bottom of the image:
BorderImage {
border.bottom: 10
// ...
The border lines can also be specified using a
\l {BorderImage::source}{.sci file}.
QQuickScaleGrid *QQuickBorderImage::border()
return d->getScaleGrid();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick2::BorderImage::horizontalTileMode
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick2::BorderImage::verticalTileMode
This property describes how to repeat or stretch the middle parts of the border image.
\li BorderImage.Stretch - Scales the image to fit to the available area.
\li BorderImage.Repeat - Tile the image until there is no more space. May crop the last image.
\li BorderImage.Round - Like Repeat, but scales the images down to ensure that the last image is not cropped.
The default tile mode for each property is BorderImage.Stretch.
QQuickBorderImage::TileMode QQuickBorderImage::horizontalTileMode() const
Q_D(const QQuickBorderImage);
return d->horizontalTileMode;
void QQuickBorderImage::setHorizontalTileMode(TileMode t)
if (t != d->horizontalTileMode) {
d->horizontalTileMode = t;
emit horizontalTileModeChanged();
QQuickBorderImage::TileMode QQuickBorderImage::verticalTileMode() const
Q_D(const QQuickBorderImage);
return d->verticalTileMode;
void QQuickBorderImage::setVerticalTileMode(TileMode t)
if (t != d->verticalTileMode) {
d->verticalTileMode = t;
emit verticalTileModeChanged();
void QQuickBorderImage::setGridScaledImage(const QQuickGridScaledImage& sci)
if (!sci.isValid()) {
d->status = Error;
emit statusChanged(d->status);
} else {
QQuickScaleGrid *sg = border();
d->horizontalTileMode = sci.horizontalTileRule();
d->verticalTileMode = sci.verticalTileRule();
d->sciurl = d->url.resolved(QUrl(sci.pixmapUrl()));
QQuickPixmap::Options options;
if (d->async)
options |= QQuickPixmap::Asynchronous;
if (d->cache)
options |= QQuickPixmap::Cache;
d->pix.load(qmlEngine(this), d->sciurl, options);
if (d->pix.isLoading()) {
static int thisRequestProgress = -1;
static int thisRequestFinished = -1;
if (thisRequestProgress == -1) {
thisRequestProgress =
thisRequestFinished =
d->pix.connectFinished(this, thisRequestFinished);
d->pix.connectDownloadProgress(this, thisRequestProgress);
} else {
QSize impsize = d->pix.implicitSize();
setImplicitSize(impsize.width(), impsize.height());
if (d->pix.isReady()) {
d->status = Ready;
} else {
d->status = Error;
qmlInfo(this) << d->pix.error();
d->progress = 1.0;
emit statusChanged(d->status);
emit progressChanged(1.0);
void QQuickBorderImage::requestFinished()
QSize impsize = d->pix.implicitSize();
if (d->pix.isError()) {
d->status = Error;
qmlInfo(this) << d->pix.error();
} else {
d->status = Ready;
setImplicitSize(impsize.width(), impsize.height());
if (d->sourcesize.width() != d->pix.width() || d->sourcesize.height() != d->pix.height())
emit sourceSizeChanged();
d->progress = 1.0;
emit statusChanged(d->status);
emit progressChanged(1.0);
void QQuickBorderImage::sciRequestFinished()
if (d->redirectCount < BORDERIMAGE_MAX_REDIRECT) {
QVariant redirect = d->sciReply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
if (redirect.isValid()) {
QUrl url = d->sciReply->url().resolved(redirect.toUrl());
if (d->sciReply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
d->status = Error;
d->sciReply = 0;
emit statusChanged(d->status);
} else {
QQuickGridScaledImage sci(d->sciReply);
d->sciReply = 0;
void QQuickBorderImage::doUpdate()
QSGNode *QQuickBorderImage::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *)
QSGTexture *texture = d->sceneGraphContext()->textureForFactory(d->pix.textureFactory(), canvas());
if (!texture || width() <= 0 || height() <= 0) {
delete oldNode;
return 0;
QQuickNinePatchNode *node = static_cast<QQuickNinePatchNode *>(oldNode);
if (!node) {
node = new QQuickNinePatchNode();
// Don't implicitly create the scalegrid in the rendering thread...
if (d->border) {
const QQuickScaleGrid *border = d->getScaleGrid();
qMax(1, d->pix.width() - border->right() - border->left()),
qMax(1, d->pix.height() - border->bottom() - border->top())));
} else {
node->setInnerRect(QRectF(0, 0, d->pix.width(), d->pix.height()));
node->setRect(QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()));
node->setFiltering(d->smooth ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::Nearest);
return node;
void QQuickBorderImage::pixmapChange()
d->pixmapChanged = true;
// When the pixmap changes, such as being deleted, we need to update the textures