• Laszlo Agocs's avatar
    Fix disfunctional QQuickRenderControl with multiple screens · 9b965f3f
    Laszlo Agocs authored
    Having a retina and non-retina screen connected resulted in getting
    no output from QQuickRenderControl and QQuickWidget on the
    non-retina screen.
    This is caused by the fact that Quick is blindly calling
    QWindow::devicePixelRatio(). This approach is wrong when using
    QQuickRenderControl since the QQuickWindow does not have an actual
    native window and so devicePixelRatio() merely returns some default value
    which will definitely be wrong for one of the screens.
    The patch fixes the problem by introducing
    QQuickWindow::effectiveDevicePixelRatio(), which, via
    QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor, supports the redirected case too.
    Task-number: QTBUG-42114
    Change-Id: I057e01f0a00758dde438fc9b10af3a435b06bb0b
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Olav Tvete <paul.tvete@digia.com>
qsgwindowsrenderloop.cpp 12.84 KiB
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#include "qsgwindowsrenderloop_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
#include <QtGui/QScreen>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtQuick/private/qsgcontext_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickwindow_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/QQuickWindow>
#include <private/qquickprofiler_p.h>
extern Q_GUI_EXPORT QImage qt_gl_read_framebuffer(const QSize &size, bool alpha_format, bool include_alpha);
#define RLDEBUG(x) qCDebug(QSG_LOG_RENDERLOOP) << x;
static QElapsedTimer qsg_render_timer;
#define QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(sampleName) \
    qint64 sampleName = 0;                                                  \
    if (QSG_LOG_TIME_RENDERLOOP().isDebugEnabled() || QQuickProfiler::profilingSceneGraph())   \
        sampleName = qsg_render_timer.nsecsElapsed()
    : m_gl(0)
    , m_sg(QSGContext::createDefaultContext())
    , m_updateTimer(0)
    , m_animationTimer(0)
    m_rc = m_sg->createRenderContext();
    m_animationDriver = m_sg->createAnimationDriver(m_sg);
m_animationDriver->install(); connect(m_animationDriver, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(started())); connect(m_animationDriver, SIGNAL(stopped()), this, SLOT(stopped())); m_vsyncDelta = 1000 / QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->refreshRate(); if (m_vsyncDelta <= 0) m_vsyncDelta = 16; RLDEBUG("Windows Render Loop created"); qsg_render_timer.start(); } QSGWindowsRenderLoop::~QSGWindowsRenderLoop() { delete m_rc; delete m_sg; } bool QSGWindowsRenderLoop::interleaveIncubation() const { return m_animationDriver->isRunning() && anyoneShowing(); } QSGWindowsRenderLoop::WindowData *QSGWindowsRenderLoop::windowData(QQuickWindow *window) { for (int i=0; i<m_windows.size(); ++i) { WindowData &wd = m_windows[i]; if (wd.window == window) return &wd; } return 0; } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::maybePostUpdateTimer() { if (!m_updateTimer) { RLDEBUG(" - posting event"); m_updateTimer = startTimer(m_vsyncDelta / 3); } } /* * If no windows are showing, start ticking animations using a timer, * otherwise, start rendering */ void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::started() { RLDEBUG("Animations started..."); if (!anyoneShowing()) { if (m_animationTimer == 0) { RLDEBUG(" - starting non-visual animation timer"); m_animationTimer = startTimer(m_vsyncDelta); } } else { maybePostUpdateTimer(); } } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::stopped() { RLDEBUG("Animations stopped..."); if (m_animationTimer) { RLDEBUG(" - stopping non-visual animation timer"); killTimer(m_animationTimer); m_animationTimer = 0; } }
void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::show(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("show"); if (windowData(window) != 0) return; // This happens before the platform window is shown, but after // it is created. Creating the GL context takes a lot of time // (hundreds of milliseconds) and will prevent us from rendering // the first frame in time for the initial show on screen. // By preparing the GL context here, it is feasible (if the app // is quick enough) to have a perfect first frame. if (!m_gl) { RLDEBUG(" - creating GL context"); m_gl = new QOpenGLContext(); m_gl->setFormat(window->requestedFormat()); if (qt_gl_global_share_context()) m_gl->setShareContext(qt_gl_global_share_context()); bool created = m_gl->create(); if (!created) { const bool isEs = m_gl->isOpenGLES(); delete m_gl; m_gl = 0; handleContextCreationFailure(window, isEs); return; } QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->fireOpenGLContextCreated(m_gl); RLDEBUG(" - making current"); bool current = m_gl->makeCurrent(window); RLDEBUG(" - initializing SG"); if (current) m_rc->initialize(m_gl); } WindowData data; data.window = window; data.pendingUpdate = false; m_windows << data; RLDEBUG(" - done with show"); } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::hide(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("hide"); // The expose event is queued while hide is sent synchronously, so // the value might not be updated yet. (plus that the windows plugin // sends exposed=true when it goes to hidden, so it is doubly broken) // The check is made here, after the removal from m_windows, so // anyoneShowing will report the right value. if (window->isExposed()) handleObscurity(); if (!m_gl) return; QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->fireAboutToStop(); } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::windowDestroyed(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("windowDestroyed"); for (int i=0; i<m_windows.size(); ++i) { if (m_windows.at(i).window == window) { m_windows.removeAt(i); break; } } hide(window);
QQuickWindowPrivate *d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window); if (m_gl) m_gl->makeCurrent(window); d->cleanupNodesOnShutdown(); if (m_windows.size() == 0) { d->context->invalidate(); QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::DeferredDelete); delete m_gl; m_gl = 0; } else if (m_gl) { m_gl->doneCurrent(); } } bool QSGWindowsRenderLoop::anyoneShowing() const { foreach (const WindowData &wd, m_windows) if (wd.window->isVisible() && wd.window->isExposed() && wd.window->size().isValid()) return true; return false; } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::exposureChanged(QQuickWindow *window) { if (windowData(window) == 0) return; if (window->isExposed() && window->isVisible()) { // Stop non-visual animation timer as we now have a window rendering if (m_animationTimer && anyoneShowing()) { RLDEBUG(" - stopping non-visual animation timer"); killTimer(m_animationTimer); m_animationTimer = 0; } RLDEBUG("exposureChanged - exposed"); WindowData *wd = windowData(window); wd->pendingUpdate = true; // If we have a pending timer and we get an expose, we need to stop it. // Otherwise we get two frames and two animation ticks in the same time-interval. if (m_updateTimer) { RLDEBUG(" - killing pending update timer"); killTimer(m_updateTimer); m_updateTimer = 0; } render(); } else { handleObscurity(); } } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::handleObscurity() { RLDEBUG("handleObscurity"); // Potentially start the non-visual animation timer if nobody is rendering if (m_animationDriver->isRunning() && !anyoneShowing() && !m_animationTimer) { RLDEBUG(" - starting non-visual animation timer"); m_animationTimer = startTimer(m_vsyncDelta); } } QImage QSGWindowsRenderLoop::grab(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("grab"); if (!m_gl) return QImage();
m_gl->makeCurrent(window); QQuickWindowPrivate *d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window); d->polishItems(); d->syncSceneGraph(); d->renderSceneGraph(window->size()); QImage image = qt_gl_read_framebuffer(window->size() * window->effectiveDevicePixelRatio(), false, false); return image; } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::update(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("update"); maybeUpdate(window); } void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::maybeUpdate(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("maybeUpdate"); WindowData *wd = windowData(window); if (!wd || !anyoneShowing()) return; wd->pendingUpdate = true; maybePostUpdateTimer(); } bool QSGWindowsRenderLoop::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::Timer: { QTimerEvent *te = static_cast<QTimerEvent *>(event); if (te->timerId() == m_animationTimer) { RLDEBUG("event : animation tick while nothing is showing"); m_animationDriver->advance(); } else if (te->timerId() == m_updateTimer) { RLDEBUG("event : update"); killTimer(m_updateTimer); m_updateTimer = 0; render(); } return true; } default: break; } return QObject::event(event); } /* * Go through all windows we control and render them in turn. * Then tick animations if active. */ void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::render() { RLDEBUG("render"); foreach (const WindowData &wd, m_windows) { if (wd.pendingUpdate) { const_cast<WindowData &>(wd).pendingUpdate = false; renderWindow(wd.window); } } if (m_animationDriver->isRunning()) { RLDEBUG("advancing animations"); QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_start); m_animationDriver->advance();
RLDEBUG("animations advanced"); qCDebug(QSG_LOG_TIME_RENDERLOOP, "animations ticked in %dms", int((qsg_render_timer.nsecsElapsed() - time_start)/1000000)); Q_QUICK_SG_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::SceneGraphWindowsAnimations, ( qsg_render_timer.nsecsElapsed() - time_start)); // It is not given that animations triggered another maybeUpdate() // and thus another render pass, so to keep things running, // make sure there is another frame pending. maybePostUpdateTimer(); emit timeToIncubate(); } } /* * Render the contents of this window. First polish, then sync, render * then finally swap. * * Note: This render function does not implement aborting * the render call when sync step results in no scene graph changes, * like the threaded renderer does. */ void QSGWindowsRenderLoop::renderWindow(QQuickWindow *window) { RLDEBUG("renderWindow"); QQuickWindowPrivate *d = QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window); if (!d->isRenderable()) return; if (!m_gl->makeCurrent(window)) return; d->flushDelayedTouchEvent(); // Event delivery or processing has caused the window to stop rendering. if (!windowData(window)) return; QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_start); RLDEBUG(" - polishing"); d->polishItems(); QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_polished); Q_QUICK_SG_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::SceneGraphPolishFrame, (time_polished - time_start)); emit window->afterAnimating(); RLDEBUG(" - syncing"); d->syncSceneGraph(); QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_synced); RLDEBUG(" - rendering"); d->renderSceneGraph(window->size()); QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_rendered); RLDEBUG(" - swapping"); m_gl->swapBuffers(window); QSG_RENDER_TIMING_SAMPLE(time_swapped); RLDEBUG(" - frameDone"); d->fireFrameSwapped(); qCDebug(QSG_LOG_TIME_RENDERLOOP()).nospace() << "Frame rendered with 'windows' renderloop in: " << time_swapped << "ms" << ", polish=" << (time_polished - time_start) / 1000000
<< ", sync=" << (time_synced - time_polished) / 1000000 << ", render=" << (time_rendered - time_synced) / 1000000 << ", swap=" << (time_swapped - time_rendered) / 1000000 << " - " << window; Q_QUICK_SG_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::SceneGraphRenderLoopFrame, ( time_synced - time_polished, time_rendered - time_synced, time_swapped - time_rendered)); } QT_END_NAMESPACE