Venu authored
The HTTPS links fail in Qt Assistant on Windows as the qt installation package includes qt libraries that are built without SSL support for legal reasons. Task-number: QTBUG-31073 Change-Id: I617202d18372b6c454f65251875e5cd0d27a6803 Reviewed-by:
Jerome Pasion <jerome.pasion@digia.com> Reviewed-by:
Karsten Heimrich <karsten.heimrich@digia.com>
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\page portingguide.html
\title Porting Guide
\brief Provides guidance to migrate your Qt 4 application to Qt 5.
Qt 5 is a result of the conscious effort to make this C++ framework more
efficient and easy to use. This release replaces quite a few legacy APIs with
more meaningful ones, such as the newer version of Qt Quick.
We try to maintain binary and source compatibility for all the public APIs in
each release, but some changes were inevitable in an effort to make Qt, a
better UI framework. In this topic, we try to summarize those changes and
provide guidance to handle them.
The following list summarizes the changes in Qt 5:
\li Modularized codebase - This means only Qt essentials and the add-on
modules you're interested in are needed to develop an application.
To know what makes the essentials and add-on modules, refer to the
\l {All Modules}{modules} page.
\li Platform-specific code - Symbian and Meego-specific code is removed
from the codebase.
\li Platform defines - All platform-specific code must be wrapped using the
preprocessor macro, \c{Q_OS_*} instead of \c{Q_WS_*}.
\li Qt Widgets - These are now part of a separate module,
\l{Qt Widgets}{QtWidgets}. They were part of \l{QtGui} earlier.
\li Qt Quick - The older Qt Quick version (1.0) is now part of a separate
\l{http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtdeclarative.html}{Qt Declarative}
add-on module for compatibility purposes. We recommend using the new Qt
Quick (2.0) from now on to avoid binary breaks in the future.
\li Qt3Support - This module is removed in Qt 5, so you must move away from
this module before porting your codebase to Qt 5.
\li Qt WebKit - This module has been split into two, there is now a \l{Qt WebKit}
and a \l{Qt WebKit Widgets} module.
\li Multimedia - In Qt 5, multimedia support is provided by the \l{Qt Multimedia}
module. Phonon framework is no longer part of Qt, but it continues to be
maintained by the Phonon developers and has support for Qt 5. See
\section1 Related Topics
\li \l {C++ API Changes}
\li \l {Porting C++ Applications to Qt 5}
\li \l {Porting QML Applications to Qt 5}
\li \l {Porting QML Applications to Qt 5 Example}