Commit 13b4b6c4 authored by Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt's avatar Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt Committed by The Qt Project
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Add information on using plugins/imports on Android

Since Qt Creator doesn't know what dependencies the plugins
or imports used by your app has ahead of time, this needs to
be maintained manually. Add information about this to the

Change-Id: I7285d93581b4e71243d2ad5537ff19c19ee52f83
Reviewed-by: default avatarJerome Pasion <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarLeena Miettinen <>
parent f42aa761
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......@@ -137,6 +137,13 @@ application to Android using the qrc approach:
\note You can change the default settings for application icons and
\li If your application uses imports or plugins which depend on special Qt
modules, these Qt modules should be added to the .pro file. For example, if
your app uses the \l{Qt Multimedia} import in QML, you should add the
following to your .pro file:
QT += multimedia
\li Save the changes to your project and run the application.
......@@ -95,6 +95,24 @@
opening the \b Run settings of your project, expanding \b{Deploy Configurations} and choosing
\b{Deploy local Qt libraries}. Make sure the \b{Use local Qt libraries} check box is also ticked.
\section1 Plugins and Imports Special Considerations
If an application uses plugins or imports that depend on other modules, these modules have to
be listed in the application's dependencies. This is because Qt Creator does not know ahead
of time which imports or plugins your application will end up loading.
For example, if your application's QML code imports \l{Qt Multimedia}, then the Qt Multimedia module
must explicitly be made a dependency of the application. You can do this by adding it to the
application .pro file:
QT += multimedia
It is also possible to manually enable dependencies on Qt libraries by opening the
\gui Run settings of your project, expanding \gui{Package configurations} and selecting the
\gui Libraries tab. Manually check the libraries that are dependencies of your project.
\section1 OpenGL Special Considerations
Qt for Android provides two separate platform plugins: One which is suited for traditional
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