Commit 1f5b8c82 authored by Laszlo Agocs's avatar Laszlo Agocs
Browse files

Update Wayland notes on the Embedded Linux page

Qt Wayland is now part of the 5.4 release.

Change-Id: I7153d6bce72805a85b0205acdcae9bfe826b62fa
Reviewed-by: default avatarLouai Al-Khanji <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRobin Burchell <>
Showing with 2 additions and 5 deletions
......@@ -365,9 +365,6 @@
system; or more precisely, it is a protocol for clients to talk to a display
The Qt Wayland module is not currently part of Qt 5. Development snapshots can
be downloaded from the \l{}{Qt Wayland git
repository}. \note The sources checked out from the repository may have
dependencies on not-yet-released changes in Qt 5's qtbase and qtdeclarative
The Qt Wayland module provides a \c wayland platform plugin that allows Qt
application to connect to a Wayland compositor.
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