Commit 2e764d83 authored by Nico Vertriest's avatar Nico Vertriest Committed by Nico Vertriest
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Doc: minor spelling correction

built in --> built-in
removed parentheses around "basic types"

Change-Id: I8bf39fd962ae4feb7482c5ce8c2781e5dce5fd7d
Reviewed-by: default avatarVenugopal Shivashankar <>
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
\l{qtqml-typesystem-topic.html}{Basic Type} or a
\l{qtqml-typesystem-topic.html#qml-object-types}{QML Object Type}.
The QML language provides a number of built in
(\l{qtqml-typesystem-basictypes.html}{basic types}), and the
The QML language provides a number of built-in
\l{qtqml-typesystem-basictypes.html}{basic types}, and the
Qt Quick module provides various \l {Qt Quick QML Types}{Qt Quick types}
for building QML applications. Types can also be provided by
third-party developers through (\l{qtqml-modules-topic.html}{modules}) or by the application
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