Commit 3b5eb267 authored by Jerome Pasion's avatar Jerome Pasion Committed by The Qt Project
Browse files

Doc: Edited list of UI topics in the User Interface page.

-list should be the same as the one from the QML Application Developer
Resources page.
-the use case pages are a better fit than the concept pages because
they cover more than just Qt Quick.

Change-Id: Icb09349cc1490fa0b5157c9983d09baae55d9a68
Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Smith <>
parent 5bdaa892
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Showing with 8 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -54,17 +54,16 @@ Animation and transition effects are a first class concept in Qt Quick and
visual effects can be supplemented through specialized components for particle
and shader effects.
\section2 Important Concepts in Qt Quick
\section2 Important UI Topics for QML Applications
\li \l{qtquick-visualcanvas-topic.html}{The Visual Canvas}
\li \l{qtquick-input-topic.html}{User Input}
\li \l{qtquick-positioning-topic.html}{Positioning}
\li \l{qtquick-statesanimations-topic.html}{States, Transitions and Animations}
\li \l{qtquick-modelviewsdata-topic.html}{Data - Models, Views and Data Storage}
\li \l{qtquick-effects-topic.html}{Particles and Graphical Effects}
\li \l{qtquick-convenience-topic.html}{Convenience Types}
\li \l{qtquick-internationalization.html}{Internationalization and Localization}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-visual.html}{Visual types in QML}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-userinput.html}{Responding to User Input in QML}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-animations.html}{Animations in QML}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-text.html}{Displaying Text in QML}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-layouts.html}{Layouts in QML}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-styling.html}{Style and Theme Support}
\li \l{qtquick-usecase-integratingjs.html}{Integrating JavaScript in QML}
\section2 Graphical Controls
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