Commit 3f3dbf48 authored by Mitch Curtis's avatar Mitch Curtis
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Remove Qt Quick Test documentation

It is being moved to qtdeclarative.

Task-number: QTBUG-50064
Change-Id: Ief9d89967c28001c3fd587d4db459abf0c948c8b
Reviewed-by: default avatarVenugopal Shivashankar <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarTopi Reiniö <>
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\page qtquick-qtquicktest.html
\title Qt Quick Test Reference Documentation
\brief unit testing framework for QML
\section1 Introduction
\l {Qt Quick Test QML Types}{Qt Quick Test} is a unit test framework for QML applications.
Test cases are written as JavaScript functions within a \l {QtTest::TestCase}{TestCase}
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtTest 1.0
TestCase {
name: "MathTests"
function test_math() {
compare(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 = 4")
function test_fail() {
compare(2 + 2, 5, "2 + 2 = 5")
Functions whose names start with \c{test_} are treated as test cases
to be executed. See the documentation for the \l {QtTest::TestCase}{TestCase} and
\l {QtTest::SignalSpy}{SignalSpy} types for more information on writing test cases.
\section1 Running Tests
Test cases are launched by a C++ harness that consists of
the following code:
#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>
Where "example" is the identifier to use to uniquely identify
this set of tests. You should add \c{CONFIG += qmltestcase}.
for example:
TARGET = tst_example
CONFIG += warn_on qmltestcase
SOURCES += tst_example.cpp
The test harness scans the specified source directory recursively
for "tst_*.qml" files. If \c{QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR} is not defined,
then the current directory will be scanned when the harness is run.
Other *.qml files may appear for auxillary QML components that are
used by the test.
The \c{-input} command-line option can be set at runtime to run
test cases from a different directory. This may be needed to run
tests on a target device where the compiled-in directory name refers
to a host. For example:
tst_example -input /mnt/SDCard/qmltests
It is also possible to run a single file using the \c{-input} option.
For example:
tst_example -input data/test.qml
tst_example -input <full_path>/test.qml
\note Specifying the full path to the qml test file is for example
needed for shadow builds.
If your test case needs QML imports, then you can add them as
\c{-import} options to the test program command-line.
If IMPORTPATH is specified in your .pro file, each import path added to IMPORTPATH
will be passed as a command-line argument when the test is run using "make check":
IMPORTPATH += $$PWD/../imports/my_module1 $$PWD/../imports/my_module2
The \c{-functions} command-line option will return a list of the current
tests functions. It is possible to run a single test function using the name
of the test function as an argument. For example:
tst_example Test_Name::function1
The \c{-help} command-line option will return all the options available.
tst_example -help
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