Commit 507b959c authored by Venugopal Shivashankar's avatar Venugopal Shivashankar
Browse files

Doc: Updated the information about OpenSSL support

The developers should know the two different options they
have, if they want to use OpenSSL features in their
application. Also mentioned about the QSslSockect static
member functions that can be used to query the target for
SSL support, and made a few editorial corrections.

Change-Id: I705910e08c267b77c46f162232341118685bfba8
Reviewed-by: default avatarEskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Showing with 30 additions and 16 deletions
......@@ -194,3 +194,7 @@
\title BlackBerry 10 application lifecycle
\title OpenSSL Configure Options
......@@ -276,22 +276,26 @@ AVDs found.
\page opensslsupport.html
\title Adding OpenSSL Support
\brief Provides instructions to bundle OpenSSL libraries with your Qt application for Android.
\brief Provides instructions to package OpenSSL libraries with your Qt application for Android.
The Qt installation package does not ship the OpenSSL libraries due to legal
restrictions in some countries. If you want to use OpenSSL in your application,
you must build the OpenSSL libraries for Android and bundle them with your
Application Package (APK) to ensure that your application behaves as expected
on the device.
The Qt installation package comes with OpenSSL support but the OpenSSL libraries
are not part of the package due to legal restrictions in some countries. If your
application depends on OpenSSL, consider packaging the SSL libraries with your
Application Package (APK) as the target device may or may not have them. You
can use the \l{QSslSocket::supportsSsl()} static function to check for SSL
support on the target.
\note If your development platform is Windows, you need \c msys with
\c perl v5.14 or later to build OpenSSL.
The following instructions guide you to add OpenSSL support to your application:
The following instructions guide you to build and add the OpenSSL libraries to
the APK:
\list 1
\li Download the latest OpenSSL sources from \l{}.
\li Download the latest OpenSSL sources from
\li Extract the sources to a folder and navigate to that folder using
the CLI (\c msys shell on Windows).
the CLI.
\note If your development platform is Windows, you need \c msys with
\c perl v5.14 or later to build OpenSSL.
\li Set the following environment variables to point to the ARM compiler
toolchain and sysroot you want to use:
......@@ -299,6 +303,7 @@ The following instructions guide you to add OpenSSL support to your application:
\li Configure the OpenSSL sources to build for Android (ARMv5 or ARMv7) using
the following command:
......@@ -306,19 +311,24 @@ The following instructions guide you to add OpenSSL support to your application:
./Configure shared android or android-armv7
\note You can also configure it for \e mips or \e x86 architectures.
\note You must consider enabling/disabling the SSL featurs based on the
legal restrictions in the region where your application is available.
See the \l{SSL Configure Options}{SSL configure options} for details about
the configurable features.
\li Run \c{make build_libs} to build the \c libcrypto and \c libssl shared
\li Open your Qt project using Qt Creator and update the
"Deployment Configuration" under run settings to add \e libcrypto and
\e libssl as additional libraries required for your project.
\li Run your application to see it running on the device.
Qt Creator builds your application and creates an application package (APK)
with the OpenSSL libraries bundled in it. Once the APK is ready, Qt Creator
prompts you to choose the device to install the APK, and then you should
see your application running on the device you selected.
with the OpenSSL libraries bundled in it. Once the APK is ready, it uses adb to
deploy the APK on the target you chose and launch the application.
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