Commit 6bed42d8 authored by Venugopal Shivashankar's avatar Venugopal Shivashankar
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Doc: Add What's new page Qt 5.10

Change-Id: Ia315ddb2f26e470330fdaf361e429f0cdb0e9b04
Reviewed-by: default avatarLeena Miettinen <>
Showing with 167 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@
\section1 Related Topics
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.10}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.9}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.8}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.7}
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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\page whatsnew510.html
\title What's New in Qt 5.10
\brief Lists the new features in Qt 5.10.
\section1 New Features in Qt 5.10
\section2 Qt GUI Module
\li Added the cross-platform Vulkan enablers, QVulkanInstance, QWindow
with type VulkanSurface, and QVulkanWindow. These enablers are for
Windows, Linux (xcb), and Android (level 23+).
\li Added new flags and functions to QSurfaceFormat and QOpenGLWidget,
to request sRGB-capable default/backing framebuffers.
\li Added the cross-platform enablers for OpenGL ES 3.2 API, which are
now accessible through QOpenGLExtraFunctions.
\li Added support for more than 2 Gigabyte of pixel data in QImage.
\section2 Qt Widgets Module
\li Added support for embedding a window into a QWidget on Android
using \l{QWidget::createWindowContainer}().
\li Added support for rendering and reading back (grabbing) offscreen
content using QOpenGLWidget.
\section2 Qt Quick Module
\li Added a shapes plugin, providing a Shape type under
QtQuick.Shapes 1.0, which enables adding stroked and filled paths
into Qt Quick scenes. Such shapes are rendered either by generating
geometry or by using the GL_NV_path_rendering extension.
\li Added the Qt.labs.handlers plugin (tech. preview), providing
TapHandler, PinchHandler, and DragHandler. These are lightweight
objects for handling events from the mouse or the touchscreen in a
device-agnostic way.
\note The plugin is available as a technology preview so it could
could change in future releases.
\li Added support for multi-sample framebuffers to QQuickItem layers
using the layer.samples property.
\section2 Qt Graphical Effects Module
\li Added support for effects in core profile OpenGL contexts.
\section2 Qt WebEngine Module
\li Updated to be based on Chromium 60.
\li Added pause/resume functionality to download items.
\li Added settings for blocking JavaScript focus and hiding scrollbars.
\li Updated QWebEnginePage with more WebActions, which were supported
by QWebPage earlier.
\li Added QWebEnginePage::download for triggering downloads.
\section2 Qt SerialBus Module
\li Added local echo flag to QCanBusFrame to mark frames that are sent
from the local system to the CAN bus.
\section1 New Modules
\li \l {Qt Network Authentication} - Provides support for OAuth1 and OAuth2.
\li \l {Qt Speech} - Enables text-to-speech in Qt Applications.
These modules were previously released as technology preview and are
now fully supported Qt add-on modules.
\section1 Technology Preview Modules
\li \l {Qt Remote Objects} (TP2) - Sharing QObject interfaces (signals, slots,
and properties) between processes or devices,
\section1 Deprecated Functionality
\li Qt Script
Deprecated modules are still included in Qt 5.10, but are considered for
removal in future releases.
\section1 List of API Changes
The pages below contain a list of API changes in Qt 5.10:
\li \l{New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.10}
\li \l{Obsolete Classes}
\section1 Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.9}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.8}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.7}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.6}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.5}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.4}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.3}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.2}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.1}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.0}
\page newclasses510.html
\title New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.10
\brief A list of new APIs in Qt 5.10.
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions
introduced in Qt 5.10. Links to new APIs in previous Qt 5 releases are found
at the bottom of this page.
\sincelist 5.10
\section1 Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.9}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.8}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.7}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.6}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.5}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.4}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.3}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.2}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.1}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.0}
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