Commit cce3960d authored by Kavindra Palaraja's avatar Kavindra Palaraja
Browse files

docs: Remove old content on QPF1

Change-Id: I261a0f10117cefa85572939850e3c641f913933c
Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Olav Tvete <>
Showing with 0 additions and 10 deletions
......@@ -102,16 +102,6 @@
is designed to be mapped directly to memory. The same format is used to
share glyphs from non-prerendered fonts between applications.
\target QPF
\section1 Legacy Qt Prerendered Font (QPF)
Qt provides support for the legacy QPF format for compatibility
reasons. QPF is based on the internal font engine data structure of Qt/Embedded
versions 2 and 3.
Note that the file name describes the font, for example \c helvetica_120_50.qpf
is 12 point Helvetica while \c helvetica_120_50i.qpf is 12 point Helvetica \e italic.
\section1 Memory Requirements
Supports Markdown
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