Commit 33ab1d45 authored by Mike Gelfand's avatar Mike Gelfand
Browse files

Support custom ZLIB library name(s)

This is already the case for qtbase and qtwebkit, while here only
hard-coded "zdll.lib" was used on Windows.

Change-Id: I6592ed8cfc667db58cb7ab65f97f00fc83e8e7d5
Reviewed-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <>
Showing with 4 additions and 1 deletion
# zlib dependency satisfied by bundled 3rd party zlib or system zlib
contains(QT_CONFIG, system-zlib) {
unix|mingw: LIBS_PRIVATE += -lz
else: LIBS += zdll.lib
else {
isEmpty(ZLIB_LIBS): LIBS += zdll.lib
else: LIBS += $$ZLIB_LIBS
} else {
git_build: \
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