• Friedemann Kleint's avatar
    Make directshow-plugin available. · b604d96b
    Friedemann Kleint authored
    No longer include <qedit.h> in directshow-plugin,
    which no longer ships in newer SDKs.
    Ensure it only provides the camera service if the
    WMF-plugin is built by using a different .json-file.
    Adapt qcamerabackend-test to use widgets.
    Task-number: QTBUG-28047
    Change-Id: I22ea441b9edb56ff55bc275dba37c01c77d8dd90
    Reviewed-by: default avatarYoann Lopes <yoann.lopes@digia.com>
docs.mk 1.70 KiB
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##  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
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