Commit 6254af55 authored by Caroline Chao's avatar Caroline Chao Committed by The Qt Project
Browse files

ComboBox: Add activeFocusOnPress property

We want this property to allow the user to open the menu using
the space key.

Change-Id: I291195cdb0e9658860636934d25315b100747eca
Reviewed-by: default avatarGabriel de Dietrich <>
parent 2230afcb
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Showing with 41 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ Control {
/*! The text of the currently selected item in the ComboBox. */
readonly property alias currentText: popup.selectedText
/*! This property specifies whether the combobox should gain active focus when pressed.
The default value is \c false. */
property bool activeFocusOnPress: false
/*! \internal */
readonly property bool __pressed: mouseArea.pressed && mouseArea.containsMouse || popup.__popupVisible
/*! \internal */
......@@ -100,7 +104,11 @@ Control {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onPressedChanged: if (pressed)
onPressed: {
if (comboBox.activeFocusOnPress)
Component.onCompleted: {
......@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ TestCase {
property var model
Timer {
id: timer
running: true
repeat: false
interval: 500
onTriggered: testCase.keyPress(Qt.Key_Escape)
function init() {
model = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.1; ListModel {}", testCase, '')
model.append({ text: "Banana", color: "Yellow" })
......@@ -192,5 +201,28 @@ TestCase {
function test_activeFocusOnPress(){
if (Qt.platform.os === "mac")
skip("When the menu pops up on OS X, it does not return and the test fails after time out")
var comboBox = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 ; ComboBox { model: 4 }', container, '');
comboBox.activeFocusOnPress = false
if (Qt.platform.os === "mac") // on mac when the menu open, the __popup function does not return
else // two mouse clicks to open and close the popup menu
mouseClick(comboBox, comboBox.x + 1, comboBox.y + 1)
mouseClick(comboBox, comboBox.x + 1, comboBox.y + 1)
comboBox.activeFocusOnPress = true
if (Qt.platform.os === "mac") // on mac when the menu open, the __popup function does not return
else // two mouse clicks to open and close the popup menu
mouseClick(comboBox, comboBox.x + 1, comboBox.y + 1)
mouseClick(comboBox, comboBox.x + 1, comboBox.y + 1)
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