Commit 7250a5c2 authored by Mitch Curtis's avatar Mitch Curtis Committed by Jani Heikkinen
Browse files

Fix button menus not opening on the second attempt

Assign a parent to the QQmlComponent returned by
QQuickControlSettings1::styleComponent() so that it doesn't
get garbage collected by the QML engine. This was not
an issue until 5.12, but it seems like a good idea regardless.

Change-Id: I53265b23afab62e2276fe6e10d976a93a4f12e6f
Fixes: QTBUG-71238
Reviewed-by: default avatarFrederik Gladhorn <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarShawn Rutledge <>
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ QQmlComponent *QQuickControlSettings1::styleComponent(const QUrl &styleDirUrl, c
styleFileUrl = makeStyleComponentUrl(controlStyleName, m_styleMap.value(QStringLiteral("Base")).m_styleDirPath);
return new QQmlComponent(qmlEngine(control), styleFileUrl);
return new QQmlComponent(qmlEngine(control), styleFileUrl, this);
static QString relativeStyleImportPath(QQmlEngine *engine, const QString &styleName)
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