Commit dd862203 authored by Mitch Curtis's avatar Mitch Curtis Committed by Mitch Curtis
Browse files

Format TableView's detailed description code snippet.

It doesn't look very nice (missing spaces, several statements per

Change-Id: I2d7de5148498a25e4ade0125e66a64a688da688b
Reviewed-by: default avatarVenugopal Shivashankar <>
Showing with 33 additions and 16 deletions
......@@ -56,25 +56,42 @@ import QtQuick.Window 2.1
A TableView is similar to \l ListView, and adds scroll bars, selection, and
resizable header sections. As with \l ListView, data for each row is provided through a \l model:
ListModel {
id: libraryModel
ListElement{ title: "A Masterpiece" ; author: "Gabriel" }
ListElement{ title: "Brilliance" ; author: "Jens" }
ListElement{ title: "Outstanding" ; author: "Frederik" }
ListModel {
id: libraryModel
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
You provide title and size of a column header
by adding a \l TableViewColumn as demonstrated below.
TableView {
TableViewColumn{ role: "title" ; title: "Title" ; width: 100 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "author" ; title: "Author" ; width: 200 }
model: libraryModel
TableView {
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: 100
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Author"
width: 200
model: libraryModel
The header sections are attached to values in the \l model by defining
the model role they attach to. Each property in the model will
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