1. 31 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  2. 23 May, 2013 - 1 commit
    • Jens Bache-Wiig's avatar
      Update GroupBox to support contentItem · 57cb0961
      Jens Bache-Wiig authored
      - Removed contentWidth and contentHeight since it is not needed
      - Exposed contentItem so that it can be designable.
      - Respect the implicit width or height of the contentItem if it is the
      only item of the GroupBox. Otherwise childrenRect is used.
      - Modified the style so that the style takes care of only the
      padding size and not the entire size of the group box.
      - Fixed flat and checkable appearance for custom style
      Change-Id: I2c7ec4cb7d5e6f96863847e8d8d6d6f52428364e
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJ-P Nurmi <jpnurmi@digia.com>
  3. 30 Apr, 2013 - 2 commits
  4. 19 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  5. 29 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
    • Gabriel de Dietrich's avatar
      Button: Remove extra margins on Mac · 3fa4ed19
      Gabriel de Dietrich authored
      Ideally, we would fix that in QMacStyle, but it's too much of a change
      in the style right now. The values have been choosen to look good with
      ComboBox, which is the other button shaped control.
      Gallery example updated with 'right' sizes for buttons in first tab.
      Change-Id: I331eff4930b22cf4b42cdbd6b3191fff403ddae3
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJens Bache-Wiig <jens.bache-wiig@digia.com>
  6. 20 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
  7. 15 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
  8. 14 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
  9. 13 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
  10. 11 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
  11. 01 Mar, 2013 - 2 commits
  12. 22 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  13. 21 Feb, 2013 - 3 commits
  14. 20 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  15. 19 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  16. 17 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  17. 10 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  18. 05 Feb, 2013 - 1 commit
  19. 17 Jan, 2013 - 1 commit
  20. 20 Nov, 2012 - 1 commit
  21. 12 Nov, 2012 - 1 commit