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Revert "Return infinity instead of -1 as a default value for max sizes"
Jens Bache-Wiig authored
This reverts commit a4158c97d84d5c76126307213baf22d12babdbc2

This commit breaks the basiclayouts example so I am reverting it until we have a revised ifx.

Change-Id: I901924d292606ffe1e797232ad2f5ff02d8fc2d6
Reviewed-by: default avatarJens Bache-Wiig <>

This project aims to deliver widgets/controls functionality with Qt Quick.

Some more information can be found on the following blog entries:


If you have problems or questions, feel free to ask on the QML mailing list at
or alternatively the Qt Developer Network:
You can also contact the maintainer at: jens.bache-wiig (at) digia (dot) com


Note the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for this project is that you have Qt 5.0. (Qt Quick 2)

The components rely on several C++ plugins in order to integrate with the desktop. To install the
components into your Qt directory, simply enter the root directory and do:

'qmake && make install'

This will compile and copy the plugins and components into your QTDIR/qml folder.
If you are compiling against a system Qt on linux, you might have to do a 'sudo make install'
in order to install the project.


The examples should show how you can use the components. If you use code that makes use of
Window or MenuBar, you will have to start your application with the desktopviewer launcher
application. This is because it will ensure that the QMLViewer application itself does not
show and make up the main window in your application.

Again, please refer to :

For more information on this.