An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Kimmo Ollila authored
Change-Id: I57e69aaba3cb6ac23ba82ae8a85f63ff30e40eb7 Reviewed-by:
Brett Stottlemyer <>
** Copyright (C) 2014 Ford Motor Company
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtRemoteObjects module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: and
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
#include "qremoteobjectreplica.h"
#include "qremoteobjectreplica_p.h"
#include "qremoteobjectnode.h"
#include "qremoteobjectdynamicreplica.h"
#include "qremoteobjectpacket_p.h"
#include "qremoteobjectpendingcall_p.h"
#include "qconnectionfactories.h"
#include "qremoteobjectsource_p.h"
#include "private/qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <limits>
using namespace QRemoteObjectPackets;
#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_INTEGRITY)
Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(&QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject == &QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica::staticMetaObject,
"m_signalOffset initializer expects QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica to not have a unique staticMetaObject");
// If QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica ever gets its own staticMetaObject, some commented out code will need to be
// used. It was changed to avoid a Coverity complaint. We use the above static assert to detect if this changes
// in the future. See FIX #1, #2, #3 in this file.
QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate(const QString &name, const QMetaObject *meta, QRemoteObjectNode *_node)
: QObject(Q_NULLPTR), m_objectName(name), m_metaObject(meta), m_numSignals(0), m_methodOffset(0)
// Uncomment the following two lines if QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica gets a unique staticMetaObject (FIX #1, #2)
//, m_signalOffset(meta ? QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.methodCount() : QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica::staticMetaObject.methodCount())
//, m_propertyOffset(meta ? QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.propertyCount() : QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica::staticMetaObject.propertyCount())
, m_signalOffset(QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.methodCount())
, m_propertyOffset(QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.propertyCount())
, m_node(_node)
, m_objectSignature(qtro_classinfo_signature(m_metaObject))
, m_state(meta ? QRemoteObjectReplica::Default : QRemoteObjectReplica::Uninitialized)
if (m_metaObject && qstrcmp(m_metaObject->className(), "QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica") == 0)
QConnectedReplicaPrivate::QConnectedReplicaPrivate(const QString &name, const QMetaObject *meta, QRemoteObjectNode *node)
: QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate(name, meta, node), connectionToSource(Q_NULLPTR), m_curSerialId(0)
if (!connectionToSource.isNull()) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Replica deleted: sending RemoveObject to RemoteObjectSource" << m_objectName;
serializeRemoveObjectPacket(m_packet, m_objectName);
bool QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::needsDynamicInitialization() const
return m_metaObject == Q_NULLPTR;
void QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::setState(QRemoteObjectReplica::State state)
if (m_state != QRemoteObjectReplica::Suspect && m_state >= state)
int oldState = m_state;
m_state = state;
// We should emit initialized before emitting any changed signals in case connections are made in a
// Slot responding to initialized/validChanged.
if (oldState < QRemoteObjectReplica::Valid && m_state == QRemoteObjectReplica::Valid) {
// we're initialized now, emit signal
const static int stateChangedIndex = QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod("stateChanged(State,State)");
Q_ASSERT(stateChangedIndex != -1);
void *args[] = {0, &state, &oldState};
QMetaObject::activate(this, metaObject(), stateChangedIndex, args);
bool QConnectedReplicaPrivate::sendCommand()
if (connectionToSource.isNull() || !connectionToSource->isOpen()) {
if (connectionToSource.isNull())
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "connectionToSource is null";
return false;
connectionToSource->write(m_packet.array, m_packet.size);
return true;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::initialize(const QVariantList &values)
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "initialize()" << m_propertyStorage.size();
const int nParam = values.size();
QVarLengthArray<int> changedProperties(nParam);
const int offset = m_metaObject->propertyOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < nParam; ++i) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " in loop" << i << m_propertyStorage.size();
changedProperties[i] = -1;
if (m_propertyStorage[i] != {
const QMetaProperty property = m_metaObject->property(i+offset);
m_propertyStorage[i] = QRemoteObjectPackets::deserializedProperty(, property);
changedProperties[i] = i;
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "SETPROPERTY" << i << m_metaObject->property(i+offset).name() << <<;
Q_ASSERT(m_state < QRemoteObjectReplica::Valid);
void *args[] = {Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR};
for (int i = 0; i < nParam; ++i) {
if (changedProperties[i] < 0)
const int notifyIndex = m_metaObject->property(changedProperties[i]+offset).notifySignalIndex();
if (notifyIndex < 0)
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " Before activate" << notifyIndex << m_metaObject->property(notifyIndex).name();
args[1] = m_propertyStorage[i].data();
QMetaObject::activate(this, metaObject(), notifyIndex, args);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "isSet = true for" << m_objectName;
void QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::emitInitialized()
const static int initializedIndex = QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod("initialized()");
Q_ASSERT(initializedIndex != -1);
void *noArgs[] = {0};
QMetaObject::activate(this, metaObject(), initializedIndex, noArgs);
void QRemoteObjectReplica::persistProperties(const QString &repName, const QByteArray &repSig, const QVariantList &props) const
if (!node()) {
qWarning("Tried calling persistProperties on a replica (%s) that hasn't been initialized with a node", qPrintable(repName));
node()->persistProperties(repName, repSig, props);
QVariantList QRemoteObjectReplica::retrieveProperties(const QString &repName, const QByteArray &repSig) const
if (!node()) {
qWarning("Tried calling retrieveProperties on a replica (%s) that hasn't been initialized with a node", qPrintable(repName));
return QVariantList();
return node()->retrieveProperties(repName, repSig);
void QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::initializeMetaObject(const QMetaObjectBuilder &builder, const QVariantList &values)
m_metaObject = builder.toMetaObject();
//rely on order of properties;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::initializeMetaObject(const QMetaObjectBuilder &builder, const QVariantList &values)
QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::initializeMetaObject(builder, values);
foreach (QRemoteObjectReplica *obj, m_parentsNeedingConnect)
Q_ASSERT(m_state < QRemoteObjectReplica::Valid);
void *args[] = {Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR};
for (int index = m_metaObject->propertyOffset(); index < m_metaObject->propertyCount(); ++index) {
const QMetaProperty mp = m_metaObject->property(index);
if (mp.hasNotifySignal()) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " Before activate" << index << m_metaObject->property(index).name();
args[1] = this->m_propertyStorage[index-m_propertyOffset].data();
QMetaObject::activate(this, metaObject(), mp.notifySignalIndex(), args);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "isSet = true for" << m_objectName;
bool QConnectedReplicaPrivate::isInitialized() const
return m_state > QRemoteObjectReplica::Default && m_state != QRemoteObjectReplica::SignatureMismatch;
bool QConnectedReplicaPrivate::waitForSource(int timeout)
switch (state()) {
case QRemoteObjectReplica::State::Valid:
return true;
case QRemoteObjectReplica::State::SignatureMismatch:
return false;
const static int stateChangedIndex = QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod("stateChanged(State,State)");
Q_ASSERT(stateChangedIndex != -1);
QEventLoop loop;
QMetaObject::connect(this, stateChangedIndex,
&loop, QEventLoop::staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod("quit()"),
Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
if (timeout >= 0) {
QTimer::singleShot(timeout, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// enter the event loop and wait for a reply
loop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
return state() == QRemoteObjectReplica::State::Valid;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::_q_send(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
static const bool debugArgs = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_REMOTEOBJECT_DEBUG_ARGUMENTS");
Q_ASSERT(call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod || call == QMetaObject::WriteProperty);
if (call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
if (debugArgs) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Send" << call << this->m_metaObject->method(index).name() << index << args << connectionToSource;
} else {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Send" << call << this->m_metaObject->method(index).name() << index << connectionToSource;
if (index < m_methodOffset) //index - m_methodOffset < 0 is invalid, and can't be resolved on the Source side
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Skipping invalid method invocation. Index not found:" << index << "( offset =" << m_methodOffset << ") object:" << m_objectName << this->m_metaObject->method(index).name();
else {
serializeInvokePacket(m_packet, m_objectName, call, index - m_methodOffset, args);
} else {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Send" << call << this->m_metaObject->property(index).name() << index << args << connectionToSource;
if (index < m_propertyOffset) //index - m_propertyOffset < 0 is invalid, and can't be resolved on the Source side
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Skipping invalid property invocation. Index not found:" << index << "( offset =" << m_propertyOffset << ") object:" << m_objectName << this->m_metaObject->property(index).name();
else {
serializeInvokePacket(m_packet, m_objectName, call, index - m_propertyOffset, args);
QRemoteObjectPendingCall QConnectedReplicaPrivate::_q_sendWithReply(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
Q_ASSERT(call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Send" << call << this->m_metaObject->method(index).name() << index << args << connectionToSource;
int serialId = (m_curSerialId == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ? 0 : m_curSerialId++);
serializeInvokePacket(m_packet, m_objectName, call, index - m_methodOffset, args, serialId);
return sendCommandWithReply(serialId);
QRemoteObjectPendingCall QConnectedReplicaPrivate::sendCommandWithReply(int serialId)
bool success = sendCommand();
if (!success) {
return QRemoteObjectPendingCall(); // invalid
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Sent InvokePacket with serial id:" << serialId;
QRemoteObjectPendingCall pendingCall(new QRemoteObjectPendingCallData(serialId, this));
m_pendingCalls[serialId] = pendingCall;
return pendingCall;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::notifyAboutReply(int ackedSerialId, const QVariant &value)
QRemoteObjectPendingCall call = m_pendingCalls.take(ackedSerialId);
QMutexLocker mutex(&call.d->mutex);
// clear error flag
call.d->error = QRemoteObjectPendingCall::NoError;
call.d->returnValue = value;
// notify watchers if needed
if (call.d->watcherHelper)
bool QConnectedReplicaPrivate::waitForFinished(const QRemoteObjectPendingCall& call, int timeout)
if (!call.d->watcherHelper)
call.d->watcherHelper.reset(new QRemoteObjectPendingCallWatcherHelper);
QEventLoop loop;
loop.connect(call.d->, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(quit()));
QTimer::singleShot(timeout, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// enter the event loop and wait for a reply
loop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
return call.d->error != QRemoteObjectPendingCall::InvalidMessage;
const QVariant QConnectedReplicaPrivate::getProperty(int i) const
Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < m_propertyStorage.size(), __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(QString(QLatin1String("0 <= %1 < %2")).arg(i).arg(m_propertyStorage.size())));
return m_propertyStorage[i];
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::setProperties(const QVariantList &properties)
m_propertyStorage = properties;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::setProperty(int i, const QVariant &prop)
m_propertyStorage[i] = prop;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::setConnection(ClientIoDevice *conn)
if (connectionToSource.isNull()) {
connectionToSource = conn;
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "setConnection started" << conn << m_objectName;
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::setDisconnected()
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::requestRemoteObjectSource()
serializeAddObjectPacket(m_packet, m_objectName, needsDynamicInitialization());
void QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate::configurePrivate(QRemoteObjectReplica *rep)
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "configurePrivate starting for" << this->m_objectName;
//We need to connect the Replicant only signals too
// Uncomment the following two lines if QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica gets a unique staticMetaObject (FIX #3)
//const QMetaObject *m = rep->inherits("QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica") ?
// &QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica::staticMetaObject : &QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject;
const QMetaObject *m = &QRemoteObjectReplica::staticMetaObject;
for (int i = m->methodOffset(); i < m->methodCount(); ++i)
const QMetaMethod mm = m->method(i);
if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
const bool res = QMetaObject::connect(this, i, rep, i, Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " Rep connect"<<i<<res<<;
if (m_methodOffset == 0) //We haven't initialized the offsets yet
for (int i = m_signalOffset; i < m_metaObject->methodCount(); ++i) {
const QMetaMethod mm = m_metaObject->method(i);
if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
const bool res = QMetaObject::connect(this, i, rep, i, Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " Connect"<<i<<res<<;
m_methodOffset = m_signalOffset + m_numSignals;
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << QStringLiteral("configurePrivate finished, signalOffset = %1, methodOffset = %2, #Signals = %3").arg(m_signalOffset).arg(m_methodOffset).arg(m_numSignals);
} else { //We have initialized offsets, this is an additional Replica attaching
for (int i = m_signalOffset; i < m_methodOffset; ++i) {
const bool res = QMetaObject::connect(this, i, rep, i, Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << " Connect"<<i<<res<<m_metaObject->method(i).name();
if (isInitialized()) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << QStringLiteral("ReplicaPrivate initialized, emitting signal on replica");
emit rep->initialized(); //Emit from new replica only
if (state() != QRemoteObjectReplica::Valid) {
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << QStringLiteral("ReplicaPrivate not currently valid, emitting signal on replica");
emit rep->stateChanged(state(), m_metaObject ? QRemoteObjectReplica::Default : QRemoteObjectReplica::Uninitialized);
qCDebug(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << QStringLiteral("configurePrivate finished, added replica to existing ReplicaPrivate");
void QConnectedReplicaPrivate::configurePrivate(QRemoteObjectReplica *rep)
if (m_metaObject)
\class QRemoteObjectReplica
\inmodule QtRemoteObjects
\brief A class interacting with (but not implementing) a Qt API on the Remote Object network
A Remote Object Replica is a QObject proxy for another QObject (called the
\l {Source} object). Once initialized, a replica can be considered a
"latent copy" of the \l {Source} object. That is, every change to a
Q_PROPERTY on the \l {Source}, or signal emitted by the \l {Source} will be
updated/emitted by all \l {Replica} objects. Latency
is introduced by process scheduling by any OSes involved and network
communication latency. As long as the replica has been initialized and the
communication is not disrupted, receipt and order of changes is guaranteed.
The \l {isInitialized} and \l {state} properties (and corresponding \l {initialized()}/\l {stateChanged()} signals) allow the state of a \l {Replica} to be determined.
While Qt Remote Objects (QtRO) handles the initialization and synchronization of \l {Replica} objects, there are numerous steps happening behind the scenes which can fail and that aren't encountered in single process Qt applications. See \l {Troubleshooting} for advice on how to handle such issues when using a remote objects network.
\enum QRemoteObjectReplica::State
This enum type specifies the various state codes associated with QRemoteObjectReplica states:
\value Uninitialized initial value of DynamicReplica, where nothing is known about the replica before connection to source.
\value Default initial value of static replica, where any defaults set in the .rep file are available so it can be used if necessary.
\value Valid indicates the replica is connected, has good property values and can be interacted with.
\value Suspect error state that occurs if the connection to the source is lost after it is initialized.
\value SignatureMismatch error state that occurs if a connection to the source is made, but the source and replica are not derived from the same .rep (only possible for static Replicas).
\fn void QRemoteObjectReplica::stateChanged()
This signal is emitted whenever a replica's state toggles between \l QRemoteObjectReplica::State.
\sa state(), initialized()
\fn void QRemoteObjectReplica::initialized()
This signal is emitted once the replica is initialized.
\sa isInitialized(), stateChanged()
\enum QRemoteObjectReplica::ConstructorType
\property QRemoteObjectReplica::state
\brief Returns the replica state.
This property holds the replica \l QRemoteObjectReplica::State.
\property QRemoteObjectReplica::node
\brief A pointer to the node this object was acquired from.
\internal This (protected) constructor for QRemoteObjectReplica can be used to create
replica objects from QML.
QRemoteObjectReplica::QRemoteObjectReplica(ConstructorType t)
: QObject(Q_NULLPTR)
, d_ptr(t == DefaultConstructor ? new QStubReplicaPrivate : 0)
void QRemoteObjectReplica::send(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
Q_ASSERT(index != -1);
d_ptr->_q_send(call, index, args);
QRemoteObjectPendingCall QRemoteObjectReplica::sendWithReply(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
return d_ptr->_q_sendWithReply(call, index, args);
const QVariant QRemoteObjectReplica::propAsVariant(int i) const
return d_ptr->getProperty(i);
void QRemoteObjectReplica::initializeNode(QRemoteObjectNode *node, const QString &name)
node->initializeReplica(this, name);
void QRemoteObjectReplica::setProperties(const QVariantList &properties)
void QRemoteObjectReplica::setProperty(int i, const QVariant &prop)
d_ptr->setProperty(i, prop);
Returns \c true if this replica has been initialized with data from the \l {Source} object. Returns \c false otherwise.
\sa state()
bool QRemoteObjectReplica::isInitialized() const
return d_ptr->isInitialized();
Returns \c true if this replica has been initialized with data from the \l {Source} object. Returns \c false otherwise.
\sa isInitialized()
QRemoteObjectReplica::State QRemoteObjectReplica::state() const
return d_ptr->state();
QRemoteObjectNode *QRemoteObjectReplica::node() const
return d_ptr->node();
void QRemoteObjectReplica::setNode(QRemoteObjectNode *_node)
const QRemoteObjectNode *curNode = node();
if (curNode) {
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Ignoring call to setNode as the node has already been set";
void QRemoteObjectReplica::initialize()
Returns \c true if this replica has been initialized and has a valid connection with the \l {QRemoteObjectNode} {node} hosting the \l {Source}. Returns \c false otherwise.
\sa isInitialized()
bool QRemoteObjectReplica::isReplicaValid() const
return state() == Valid;
Blocking call that waits for the replica to become initialized or until the \a timeout (in ms) expires. Returns \c true if the replica is initialized when the call completes, \c false otherwise.
If \a timeout is -1, this function will not time out.
\sa isInitialized(), initialized()
bool QRemoteObjectReplica::waitForSource(int timeout)
return d_ptr->waitForSource(timeout);
QInProcessReplicaPrivate::QInProcessReplicaPrivate(const QString &name, const QMetaObject *meta, QRemoteObjectNode * node)
: QRemoteObjectReplicaPrivate(name, meta, node)
const QVariant QInProcessReplicaPrivate::getProperty(int i) const
const int index = i + QRemoteObjectSource::qobjectPropertyOffset;
Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < connectionToSource->m_object->metaObject()->propertyCount());
return connectionToSource->m_object->metaObject()->property(index).read(connectionToSource->m_object);
void QInProcessReplicaPrivate::setProperties(const QVariantList &)
//TODO some verification here maybe?
void QInProcessReplicaPrivate::setProperty(int i, const QVariant &property)
const int index = i + QRemoteObjectSource::qobjectPropertyOffset;
Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < connectionToSource->m_object->metaObject()->propertyCount());
connectionToSource->m_object->metaObject()->property(index).write(connectionToSource->m_object, property);
void QInProcessReplicaPrivate::_q_send(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
Q_ASSERT(call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod || call == QMetaObject::WriteProperty);
const SourceApiMap *api = connectionToSource->m_api;
if (call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
const int resolvedIndex = api->sourceMethodIndex(index - m_methodOffset);
if (resolvedIndex < 0)
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Skipping invalid invocation. Index not found:" << index - m_methodOffset;
connectionToSource->invoke(call, api->isAdapterMethod(index - m_methodOffset), resolvedIndex, args);
} else {
const int resolvedIndex = connectionToSource->m_api->sourcePropertyIndex(index - m_propertyOffset);
if (resolvedIndex < 0)
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Skipping invalid property setter. Index not found:" << index - m_propertyOffset;
connectionToSource->invoke(call, api->isAdapterProperty(index - m_propertyOffset), resolvedIndex, args);
QRemoteObjectPendingCall QInProcessReplicaPrivate::_q_sendWithReply(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
Q_ASSERT(call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod);
const int ReplicaIndex = index - m_methodOffset;
int typeId = QMetaType::type(connectionToSource->m_api->typeName(ReplicaIndex).constData());
if (!QMetaType(typeId).sizeOf())
typeId = QVariant::Invalid;
QVariant returnValue(typeId, Q_NULLPTR);
const int resolvedIndex = connectionToSource->m_api->sourceMethodIndex(ReplicaIndex);
if (resolvedIndex < 0) {
qCWarning(QT_REMOTEOBJECT) << "Skipping invalid invocation. Index not found:" << ReplicaIndex;
return QRemoteObjectPendingCall();
connectionToSource->invoke(call, connectionToSource->m_api->isAdapterMethod(ReplicaIndex), resolvedIndex, args, &returnValue);
return QRemoteObjectPendingCall::fromCompletedCall(returnValue);
QStubReplicaPrivate::QStubReplicaPrivate() {}
QStubReplicaPrivate::~QStubReplicaPrivate() {}
const QVariant QStubReplicaPrivate::getProperty(int i) const
Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < m_propertyStorage.size(), __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(QString(QLatin1String("0 <= %1 < %2")).arg(i).arg(m_propertyStorage.size())));
return m_propertyStorage[i];
void QStubReplicaPrivate::setProperties(const QVariantList &properties)
m_propertyStorage = properties;
void QStubReplicaPrivate::setProperty(int i, const QVariant &prop)
m_propertyStorage[i] = prop;
void QStubReplicaPrivate::_q_send(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
qWarning("Tried calling a slot or setting a property on a replica that hasn't been initialized with a node");
QRemoteObjectPendingCall QStubReplicaPrivate::_q_sendWithReply(QMetaObject::Call call, int index, const QVariantList &args)
qWarning("Tried calling a slot or setting a property on a replica that hasn't been initialized with a node");
return QRemoteObjectPendingCall(); //Invalid