Commit 0e48dff8 authored by Paul Wicking's avatar Paul Wicking
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Doc: Update QDoc manual to describe auto-detection of libclang

Task-number: QTBUG-67189
Change-Id: I89ec651eb22530e517d9b4cae62da4accb295bd7
Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <>
Showing with 29 additions and 20 deletions
......@@ -632,25 +632,34 @@
\previouspage Getting Started with QDoc
\nextpage Creating QDoc Configuration Files
If you are going to build QDoc from source, the following prerequisites
QDoc uses libclang when parsing C++ files as well as function signatures in
\l {fn-command} {\\fn} commands. libclang is part of
\l {}{the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project}.
If you are going to build QDoc from source, you need to install
\l{}{LLVM 6.0} or greater first. You can find the
required pre-built binaries
\l {}{here}.
The build system uses the tool \c llvm-config to discover the location of
Clang on your system, and relies on it being in the c\ PATH environment
variable. \c llvm-config is commonly installed with Clang and libclang on
Linux systems, and also on macOS if LLVM is installed with Brew. The
installation binaries provided for Windows do not include \c llvm-config,
but requires that you build the debug version of LLVM from source.
If \c llvm-config is not in your \c PATH environment variable, or not
installed on your system, you can still build QDoc, by manually setting the
environment variable \c LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to point to the directory where
LLVM is installed. This directory should be the top level directory. For
example, on a Linux or macOS system with LLVM installed to \c /usr/llvm:
\list 1
\li Install \l{}{LLVM 6.0} or greater.
The pre-built binaries needed can be found
\l {}{here}.
\li Set the environment variable \c LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to point to the
directory where LLVM is installed. This should be the top level
directory. For example, on a Linux or macOS system with LLVM
installed to \c /usr/llvm:
$ export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/llvm
On a Windows system with LLVM installed to \c
{C:\Program Files\LLVM}:
C:\> setx LLVM_INSTALL_DIR "C:\Program Files\LLVM"
$ export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/llvm
On a Windows system with LLVM installed to \c {C:\Program Files\LLVM}:
C:\> setx LLVM_INSTALL_DIR "C:\Program Files\LLVM"
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