Commit 5984871d authored by Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar Jocelyn Turcotte
Browse files

macdeployqt: Also deploy framework's Libraries and Helpers

QtWebEngine can't put all its external data in qrc files and have a few
files lying around in the Qt installation. To allow it to be bundled
with applications, those files are now placed into the QtWebEngineCore

This patch allows Helpers/ as well as
Libraries/ to be deployed when macdeployqt is run on an
application linking to QtWebEngine.

This link mention that Libraries is a standard directory:

This link mention that Helpers is a standard directory for application
bundles, but I haven't seen any mention regarding frameworks:

Task-number: QTBUG-41611
Change-Id: I27f662747bd3dff4b9fc8706ecbd2f16f057e857
Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <>
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