Commit a9867972 authored by Valentin Fokin's avatar Valentin Fokin Committed by Zakor Tamas
Browse files

Fix feature dependencies

Skip build of linquist, assistant, designer, pixeltool,
qdbusviewer and distancefieldgenerator on disabled features.

This also fixes build with -no-feature-action configuration.

Change-Id: I0b7de9bae9c33ddb47d83ed577ec0e404bde360d
Reviewed-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <>
Showing with 21 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@ SUBDIRS = \
lrelease \
lupdate \
!no-png:qtHaveModule(widgets):qtConfig(process): SUBDIRS += linguist
!no-png:qtHaveModule(widgets) {
QT_FOR_CONFIG += widgets
qtConfig(process):qtConfig(pushbutton):qtConfig(toolbutton) {
SUBDIRS += linguist
qtNomakeTools( \
linguist \
TEMPLATE = subdirs
qtConfig(dom): SUBDIRS = qdbus
qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += qdbusviewer
qtHaveModule(widgets) {
QT_FOR_CONFIG += widgets
qtConfig(dialogbuttonbox):qtConfig(inputdialog):qtConfig(messagebox):qtConfig(menu) {
SUBDIRS += qdbusviewer
......@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ qtHaveModule(widgets) {
no-png {
message("Some graphics-related tools are unavailable without PNG support")
} else {
SUBDIRS = assistant \
pixeltool \
qtHaveModule(quick):qtConfig(thread): SUBDIRS += distancefieldgenerator
linguist.depends = designer
QT_FOR_CONFIG += widgets
qtConfig(pushbutton):qtConfig(toolbutton) {
SUBDIRS = assistant \
designer \
linguist.depends = designer
qtHaveModule(quick):qtConfig(thread):qtConfig(toolbutton): SUBDIRS += distancefieldgenerator
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