1. 15 Mar, 2014 - 1 commit
  2. 13 Mar, 2014 - 5 commits
  3. 12 Mar, 2014 - 1 commit
  4. 11 Mar, 2014 - 2 commits
  5. 07 Mar, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Andrew Knight's avatar
      qtd3dservice: Support Appx device monitoring · ded1b5c1
      Andrew Knight authored
      Like Xap monitoring, local appx packages can be automatically monitored.
      This is accomplished without polling by:
       - Waiting for changes in the package registry
       - Checking the list of developer apps from the Appx manager
       - Waiting for changes in the application's shader directory
      Without polling, the service has 0% CPU utilization when idle, regardless
      of the number of Appx packages monitored. This is compared to Xap devices,
      which may incur several fractions of a percent of CPU time during
      package polling.
      Change-Id: I3b0fc6fc7a8beee854c2511295b6d33b102eee88
      Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Wolff <oliver.wolff@digia.com>
  6. 06 Mar, 2014 - 3 commits
  7. 04 Mar, 2014 - 8 commits
  8. 03 Mar, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 28 Feb, 2014 - 1 commit
  10. 27 Feb, 2014 - 2 commits
  11. 25 Feb, 2014 - 1 commit
  12. 21 Feb, 2014 - 4 commits
  13. 20 Feb, 2014 - 1 commit
  14. 19 Feb, 2014 - 3 commits
  15. 17 Feb, 2014 - 1 commit
  16. 14 Feb, 2014 - 3 commits
    • Andrew Knight's avatar
      Introducing Qt D3D Compiler service · 6cf54b0f
      Andrew Knight authored
      This is a utility for monitoring and deploying D3D shader blobs
      requested by d3dcompiler_qt. It is designed as an on-demand service that
      runs while it is needed. It must be started manually via netsvc.
      The service may be started from the command line using the -direct
      option, or installed as a Windows service by passing the -install option.
      After it has been installed, one can use net start/stop to control the
      The service supports monitoring applications on the local machine or
      remote devices. To register an application for monitoring, call
      qtd3dservice -register <device_id>:<application_id>. The device ID can be
      an index, or the full device string name. For the local machine, use
      "local" or omit the device name. The application ID is the the product
      ID for XAP packages, or the package full name for Appx packages.
      An application can be removed from the monitor by passing -unregister with
      the same arguments as register.
      A list of registered applications can be retrieved with qtd3dservice -list.
      When the service is started, all registered applications will be monitored.
      If the device is disconnected, the service will try to connect for up to
      30 seconds before giving up. Once the service has given up, it must be
      restarted (using net start). Therefore, it is important that "net start
      qtd3dservice" is configured as a deployment step.
      Change-Id: I0aac3a8548359602c5e3ada33ceaeb722ec3d3dc
      Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Wolff <oliver.wolff@digia.com>
    • Oliver Wolff's avatar
      WinRTRunner: Fixed access violation when listing phone devices · 494dc4da
      Oliver Wolff authored
      In case of an x64 environment phone devices cannot be listed, but
      winrtrunner should not crash in this case.
      Change-Id: I6963e1c4f2dc73424fa7ebde13cbce759dfaabc4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew Knight <andrew.knight@digia.com>
    • Andrew Knight's avatar
      winrtrunner: CoreCon builds with x64, so let it · 51b1dbd4
      Andrew Knight authored
      The phone portions may not initialize on x64, but we can still let them
      Change-Id: I60f886a0662772547778a7130422104283fd39a1
      Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Wolff <oliver.wolff@digia.com>
  17. 13 Feb, 2014 - 2 commits