Commit 6200f4c9 authored by Jarkko Koivikko's avatar Jarkko Koivikko
Browse files

tests: Do not center emulated HWR input on the input window

Originally the emulated HWR input was centered on the input window
because it look better. However, it seems this will confuse T9 Write
HWR engine and cause some tests to fail.

Change-Id: I72e5c1a5db2b5aded2db2e5a8f6f79f5f414d5aa
Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <>
Showing with 1 addition and 29 deletions
......@@ -41,14 +41,12 @@ function emulate(testcase, hwrInputArea, ch, instant) {
var chData = UnipenData.unipenData[chKey]
var scale = Math.min(hwrInputArea.width / chData[".X_DIM"], hwrInputArea.height / chData[".Y_DIM"])
var strokes = UnipenData.unipenData[chKey][".PEN"]
var boundingBox = calculateBoundingBox(strokes)
var boxOffset = Qt.point(-boundingBox.x * scale + (hwrInputArea.width - boundingBox.width * scale) / 2, -boundingBox.y * scale + (hwrInputArea.height - boundingBox.height * scale) / 2)
var t = 0
for (var strokeIndex = 0; strokeIndex < strokes.length; strokeIndex++) {
var stroke = strokes[strokeIndex]
for (var i = 0; i < stroke.length; i++) {
var strokeData = stroke[i]
var pt = Qt.point(strokeData[0] * scale + boxOffset.x, strokeData[1] * scale + boxOffset.y)
var pt = Qt.point(strokeData[0] * scale, strokeData[1] * scale)
if (instant)
t = strokeData[2]
if (i == 0) {
......@@ -64,29 +62,3 @@ function emulate(testcase, hwrInputArea, ch, instant) {
return true
function calculateBoundingBox(unipenStrokes) {
var bboxLeft = 2147483647
var bboxRight = -2147483647
var bboxTop = 2147483647
var bboxBottom = -2147483647
for (var strokeIndex = 0; strokeIndex < unipenStrokes.length; strokeIndex++) {
var stroke = unipenStrokes[strokeIndex]
for (var i = 0; i < stroke.length; i++) {
var strokeData = stroke[i]
var x = strokeData[0]
if (bboxLeft > x)
bboxLeft = x
if (bboxRight < x)
bboxRight = x
var y = strokeData[1]
if (bboxTop > y)
bboxTop = y
if (bboxBottom < y)
bboxBottom = y
if (bboxLeft > bboxRight || bboxTop > bboxBottom)
return Qt.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
return Qt.rect(bboxLeft, bboxTop, bboxRight - bboxLeft, bboxBottom -bboxTop)
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