Commit 6b9bfc2e authored by Frederik Gladhorn's avatar Frederik Gladhorn Committed by Mitch Curtis
Browse files

Clean up virtual keyboard qdocconf a bit

Change-Id: I5a9f49c15e4770a2896495a2142e86388ba9d710
Reviewed-by: default avatarJerome Pasion <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <>
Showing with 6 additions and 180 deletions
project = QtVirtualKeyboard
description = Qt Virtual Keyboard
headerdirs += .. \
sourcedirs += .. \
version = $QT_VERSION
headerdirs += ..
sourcedirs += ..
# Specify the install path under QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES
# Examples will be installed under quick/enterprise/virtualkeyboard -
......@@ -14,11 +16,6 @@ exampledirs += ../../../examples/quick/enterprise/virtualkeyboard \
examplesinstallpath = quick/enterprise/virtualkeyboard
imagedirs += images
Cpp.ignoredirectives = Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE \
Cpp.ignoretokens = Q_INVOKABLE
spurious = "Can't link to 'All Modules'"
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......@@ -26,27 +23,6 @@ headers.fileextensions = "*.h *.ch *.h++ *.hh *.hpp *.hxx"
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HTML.postheader = \
" <div class=\"header\">\n" \
" <div id=\"nav-logo\">\n" \
" <a href=\"index.html\">Qt Virtual Keyboard Reference</a>" \
" </div>\n" \
" </div>\n" \
" <ul>\n"
HTML.postpostheader = \
" </ul>\n"
qhp.projects = QtVirtualKeyboard
qhp.QtVirtualKeyboard.file = qtvirtualkeyboard.qhp
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Supports Markdown
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