Commit ff9b165b authored by Jarkko Koivikko's avatar Jarkko Koivikko
Browse files

Move hunspell project into 3rdparty directory

Change-Id: Ic96fe15587f65606e94280173ddef49bb582344d
Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <>
Showing with 18 additions and 17 deletions
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
# --------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ SUBDIRS += \
virtualkeyboard \
!disable-hunspell:exists(virtualkeyboard/hunspell/src/hunspell/hunspell.h) {
SUBDIRS += virtualkeyboard/hunspell
virtualkeyboard.depends += sub-virtualkeyboard-hunspell
!disable-hunspell:exists(virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/hunspell/src/hunspell/hunspell.h) {
SUBDIRS += virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/hunspell
virtualkeyboard.depends += sub-virtualkeyboard-3rdparty-hunspell
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ version = 1.0
headerdirs += ..
sourcedirs += ..
excludedirs += ../content/layouts
excludedirs += ../content/layouts \
# Specify the install path under QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES
# Examples will be installed under quick/enterprise/virtualkeyboard -
......@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ By default, \e HunspellInputMethod will not be available unless the Hunspell
library and development headers are found. For Linux/X11 targets, the Hunspell
library can be provided by installing the libhunspell-dev package.
Alternatively, the Hunspell sources can be extracted into the
\e src/virtualkeyboard/hunspell directory. If Hunspell sources are used,
\e src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/hunspell directory. If Hunspell sources are used,
then the dictionary files must also be copied into the
\e src/virtualkeyboard/hunspell/data directory. Furthermore, if Hunspell
\e src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/hunspell/data directory. Furthermore, if Hunspell
sources are used, \e will be used for all targets.
\section1 Deployment
......@@ -87,22 +87,22 @@ qml.path = $$QMLPATH
!disable-hunspell {
exists(hunspell/src/hunspell/hunspell.h) {
exists(3rdparty/hunspell/src/hunspell/hunspell.h) {
message(Found Hunspell library!)
SOURCES += hunspellinputmethod.cpp hunspellworker.cpp
HEADERS += hunspellinputmethod.h hunspellworker.h
INCLUDEPATH += hunspell/src
DEPENDPATH += hunspell/src
LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/hunspell/ -lhunspell
INCLUDEPATH += 3rdparty/hunspell/src
DEPENDPATH += 3rdparty/hunspell/src
LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/3rdparty/hunspell/ -lhunspell
isEmpty(hunspell_search_paths) hunspell_search_paths=$$DATAPATH/hunspell
DEFINES += QT_VIRTUALKEYBOARD_HUNSPELL_DATA_PATH=\\\"$$join(hunspell_search_paths, :)\\\"
exists(hunspell/data) {
hunspell_data.files = hunspell/data/*.dic hunspell/data/*.aff
exists(3rdparty/hunspell/data) {
hunspell_data.files = 3rdparty/hunspell/data/*.dic 3rdparty/hunspell/data/*.aff
hunspell_data.path = $$DATAPATH/hunspell
INSTALLS += hunspell_data
} else {
error(Hunspell dictionaries are missing! Please copy .dic and .aff files to src/virtualkeyboard/hunspell/data directory.)
error(Hunspell dictionaries are missing! Please copy .dic and .aff files to src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/hunspell/data directory.)
} else:packagesExist(hunspell) {
message(Found Hunspell package from pkg-config!)
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