1. 24 Aug, 2017 - 2 commits
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add Hebrew keyboard layout · fe6c501c
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      [ChangeLog] Added Hebrew keyboard layout.
      Change-Id: I7779db4e5ac3c5a99937a0d7b7e572db65f0d811
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Clear toggle shift timer when appropriate · dc4e962f
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      The timer in the ShiftHandler is used for detecting double
      click events for shift key. A double click event will trigger
      caps lock if the initial shift state is lower case.
      However, the implementation did not handle a case where
      the keyboard layout changes between the first and second
      press. This can be done with multitouch.
      The second problem was with the automatic test cases, where
      the test code toggles the shift to see if there is a secondary
      layout triggered by the shift key, e.g. in Arabic and Farsi.
      However, if the keyboard layout does not contain secondary
      layout, rapid shift state change will trigger caps lock
      instead. This issue was identified with certain test case for
      Hebrew layout.
      This change fixes the issue by clearing the shift toggle timer
      when the layout changes and in the automatic tests while
      checking for the secondary layout with the shift key.
      Also, update test code so that the shift press is simulated
      with mouse. This will ensure the key exists in the layout
      and that the key is enabled.
      Change-Id: I2a528f1b82c30e8b8d9746d380b32ee370b38004
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  2. 21 Aug, 2017 - 2 commits
  3. 18 Aug, 2017 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Fix QML warning propagated from BaseKey in a specific use case · 5eae254a
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      If the Key.alternativeKeys are assigned like:
      Key {
          alternativeKeys: condition ? "abc" : "def"
      it will cause the following QML warning from BaseKey:
      [...]/BaseKey.qml:82:32: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
      It seems to be caused by the order in which the dependent
      properties effectiveAlternativeKeysHighlightIndex and
      effectiveAlternativeKeys are updated.
      This change fixes the issue by adding the effectiveAlternativeKeys
      as condition for the property assignment.
      Change-Id: I0225a95a60920201161c7d8c084667c57c1c29d4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  4. 09 Aug, 2017 - 2 commits
  5. 07 Aug, 2017 - 7 commits
  6. 04 Aug, 2017 - 5 commits
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Fix rendering of high and low acute accent keys in Zhuyin keyboard · c3c2a9cd
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      not rendered correctly on the keyboard layout. Fix it by defining
      regular accent characters in the displayText property.
      After adding the displayText, it was noticed that the character preview
      is not using the BaseKey::displayText for rendering. So fix it too.
      Change-Id: If4889729a33a31d6adaf149ca4d263a2004abe7e
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Change default Key::key to uppercase · b431f478
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      If a Key does not provide Key::key value, the default value is
      derived from the first letter of Key::text. However, the key
      should always be in uppercase. This change forces the default
      key in uppercase.
      [ChangeLog] Ensure the default value of Key.key property is
      Change-Id: Ie1879e0f0e5020bdfc0f916d537dbf9cb2f6cb51
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add new features to InputModeKey · eb292cdd
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      New property InputModeKey::inputModes:
          This property allows to define a custom list of input modes to
          toggle. If the list contains an invalid input modes (the ones
          not included in the available input modes) they are automatically
          disabled. The default list contains all the available input modes.
      New property InputModeKey::inputModeCount:
          This read-only property reflects the actual number of input modes
          the user can cycle through this key.
      Change-Id: I6be118565dc3d799074aa4159f1b0eec802ce591
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Prefer current input mode when switching between handwriting mode · a0b84f2f
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      If a keyboard layout provides multiple choices for input modes
      (e.g. latin and cyrillic), prefer the current choice when switching
      to handwriting layout and back.
      Also, use the same mechanism to avoid binding loop when switching
      input mode with InputModeKey contained in a KeyboardLayoutLoader
      where the layout depends on the input mode.
      Change-Id: If7adae92db39f3b1e49ec362679e6b6ae7f32fa4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Fix alignment of key caption if smallText is enabled · d3543cad
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      Key caption is aligned differently when smallText is enabled.
      This is not an issue if smallText is enabled for all keys,
      but if enabled for individual keys the rendering will look bad.
      Change-Id: I6d75dd1c012d79cdb2883b1f99988c6ba6aabe40
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  7. 31 Jul, 2017 - 2 commits
  8. 08 Jul, 2017 - 4 commits
  9. 22 Jun, 2017 - 1 commit
  10. 23 May, 2017 - 1 commit
  11. 06 Apr, 2017 - 1 commit
  12. 01 Feb, 2017 - 1 commit
  13. 30 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add full screen input mode for super wide screens · ad44e00c
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      In full screen mode the virtual keyboard replicates the contents of
      the focused input field to full screen input field located on top
      of keyboard.
      This mode can be activated by VirtualKeyboardSettings.fullScreenMode.
      [ChangeLog] Added full screen input mode for super wide screens.
      Change-Id: Ib2650c04767fb0945cc2bedc5b1801d254a15a41
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  14. 20 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Automatically hide word candidate list · 839a0afe
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      This change adds support for automatically hiding word candidate list
      when inactive. This feature includes the following enhancements:
      - Added new settings:
        * VirtualKeyboardSettings.wordCandidateList.autoHideDelay
        * VirtualKeyboardSettings.wordCandidateList.alwaysVisible
      - Automatic hiding of word candidate list when inactive and when
        autoHideDelay elapsed.
      - alwaysVisible setting restores the old functionality.
      - Added new signal selectionListsChanged() to input method, allowing
        the input method to dynamically allocate or deallocate selection
      - HunspellInputMethod does not allocate selection list when
        dictionary cannot be loaded, or Qt::ImhNoPredictiveText is enabled.
        Also, it will no longer use pre-edit text in this case.
      - OpenWnnInputMethod does not allocate selection list if not needed.
      [ChangeLog] Automatically hide word candidate list when inactive.
      Change-Id: Ifa95ae8a7c47a96719ffdc2929601ff2ef9c0d2e
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGordan Markus <gordan.markus@pelagicore.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  15. 14 Jan, 2017 - 2 commits
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Reset symbol mode · 0b52c34b
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      Reset symbol mode when:
      - keyboard is dismissed
      - input focus changes.
      Change-Id: I59207543d25755409e400a365777933fb23c2196
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add language popup · 0a8c8dfc
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      This change adds language popup as an alternative method for
      selecting the input language.
      The language popup is enabled when the active style supports it.
      This change adds the support for the default style.
      The popup opens from the change language key with single tap
      and can be dismissed by tapping anywhere else on the keyboard.
      The old toggle method for changing the input language is still
      available and supported (can be enabled easily from keyboard style).
      Some basic tests are included in this change.
      [ChangeLog] Added language selection popup for faster selection of
      input language.
      Change-Id: Ie3773f1d0cac78dee8237285e8596fe57c8bb5e4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
  16. 19 Dec, 2016 - 3 commits
  17. 18 Dec, 2016 - 1 commit
  18. 28 Nov, 2016 - 1 commit
  19. 25 Nov, 2016 - 1 commit
  20. 23 Nov, 2016 - 1 commit