1. 12 Jan, 2016 - 1 commit
  2. 28 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Refactor class names · 03e2a103
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      Since the virtual keyboard C++ interface is wrapped inside a
      namespace, it is possible to get rid of "Declarative" name
      in the class names, that would otherwise conflict with the
      QML namespace in the documentation.
      - Rename DeclarativeSettings to VirtualKeyboardSettings
      - Remove "Declarative" from class names
      The rationale for this change is that the name Declarative
      refers to now obsolete QtQuick1 module. Also, the class names
      are now the same in C++ and QML name spaces.
      Change-Id: Ide050d47110443d894d95d35dddf0df5891587be
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@theqtcompany.com>
  3. 27 Oct, 2015 - 3 commits
  4. 26 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
  5. 15 Sep, 2015 - 1 commit
  6. 25 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add OpenWnn implementation of JapaneseInputMethod · 506d877b
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      This change implements Japanese input method. It supports
      Hiragana, Katakana and Kanjie.
      The OpenWnn library is imported from Google AOSP project.
      The wnnEngine library is ported from the Java sources. It
      provides full implementation of the engine, excluding
      learning and user dictionary capabilities.
      To activate the Japanese input method add CONFIG+=openwnn to
      qmake command line.
      Brief user guide:
      - The default input mode is Hiragana
      - To switch between Hiragana, Katakana, Latin and FullwidthLatin
        input modes, press the input mode toggle button in place of the
        left shift key.
      - Space key activates Hiragana to Kanjie conversion mode
      - Subsequent press on the space key cycles between the candidates
      - To select candidate, press return key, or any other input key
        to auto commit the result and to start with the new composition
      - To cancel the Kanjie conversion mode, press backspace key
      - The left and right arrow keys are used for exact matching mode
      - In exact matching mode, the arrow keys can modify the selection
        within the composing text, it is also possible to modify any part
        of the composing text in exact match mode
      - Pressing the space during the exact match mode starts Kanjie
        conversion for current selection
      Change-Id: I08d2496dba3506ba752f3537f9cf6939c803df6c
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@theqtcompany.com>
  7. 06 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  8. 23 Jun, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 19 Jun, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Jarkko Koivikko's avatar
      Add PinyinInputMethod · 4a66c529
      Jarkko Koivikko authored
      Added new PinyinInputMethod which is using the PinyinIME engine as
      backend. The PinyinIME is Apache 2.0 licensed.
      The pinyin input method is enabled by using CONFIG+=pinyin
      configuration flag on the qmake command line.
      The pinyin engine uses two kinds of dictionaries: sys_dict and usr_dict.
      The sys_dict is a pre-built dictionary containing a search model for
      Chinese words. The sys_dict is built using the dictionary tool included
      in the source tree.
      The sys_dict is deployed in to the
      $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/qtvirtualkeyboard/pinyin directory on the target
      system. This path will become the default location where the dictionary
      is searched in. The default location can be overridden by specifying
      an alternative path to the dictionary file in an environment variable
      The usr_dict contains custom lemmas which the user is most frequently
      using. Initially, the usr_dict may not exist, in which case it is
      automatically created.
      The usr_dict is located at subdirectory qtvirtualkeyboard/pinyin
      under the location returned by
      The pinyin input mode is activated by changing the input locale to
      Chinese words are entered by typing the phonetic form of the Chinese
      words and then selecting words from the selection list.
      The first item in the selection list always contains the complete
      phrase. By selecting the first item, the pinyin completes the entire
      phrase and ends the current input. The user can also select the
      entire phrase by pressing the space key.
      The subsequent items in the selection list are the segments comprising
      one or more Chinese words. By selecting segments of previously unknown
      lemma, the input method learns this by adding a new entry to the
      usr_dict. Once the user enters the same pinyin sequence again, the
      input method can suggest the same phrase as the first or the second
      item in the selection list.
      The characters sequences, which are not valid pinyin spellings,
      are displayed in lower case letters. The user can either delete
      these characters by pressing the backspace key, or select and accept
      them as input from the selection list.
      After the user completes the phrase, or moves the cursor in the
      text, the pinyin input can predict words by looking at text up to
      3 characters in history. In prediction mode the user is not
      required to select any items from the prediction list.
      The user can enter plain latin characters by accepting the input
      sequence with the return key.
      Change-Id: I46bfc0df112a4d9c892222916cb7455132dd5059
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@digia.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLiang Qi <liang.qi@digia.com>
  10. 28 Jan, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Mitch Curtis's avatar
      Restructure and rename. · 9778eb24
      Mitch Curtis authored
      This restructures the repo to match other Qt modules, like the
      Enterprise Controls. It also renames the plugin and usages of its name
      in the documentation so that the abbreviated "VKB" is not used
      Change-Id: I5de3fc67846a50438e52f4be057abfa0d9be0d91
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFrederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn@digia.com>
  11. 17 Dec, 2013 - 1 commit
  12. 16 Dec, 2013 - 1 commit
  13. 04 Dec, 2013 - 1 commit
  14. 29 Nov, 2013 - 1 commit