- Branches 20
- 1.3
- 5.10
- 5.11
- 5.12
- 5.12.1
- 5.12.10
- 5.12.11
- 5.12.12
- 5.12.2
- 5.12.3
- 5.12.4
- 5.12.5
- 5.12.6
- 5.12.7
- 5.12.8
- 5.12.9
- 5.13
- 5.13.0
- 5.13.1
- 5.13.2
- Tags 20
- v5.15.0-alpha1
- v5.12.7
- v5.14.1
- v5.9.9
- v5.14.0
- v5.14.0-rc2
- v5.14.0-rc1
- v5.12.6
- v5.14.0-beta3
- v5.13.2
- v5.14.0-beta2
- v5.14.0-beta1
- v5.14.0-alpha1
- v5.12.5
- v5.13.1
- v5.13.0
- v5.13.0-rc3
- v5.12.4
- v5.13.0-rc2
- v5.13.0-rc1
Commits to 787721b75c9af2c235e0a88550fda638593a1a0e
Excluding merge commits. Limited to 6,000 commits.Jarkko Koivikko
337 commits (jarkko.koivikko@code-q.fi)
Mitch Curtis
22 commits (mitch.curtis@qt.io)
Oswald Buddenhagen
19 commits (oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com)
Mitch Curtis
18 commits (mitch.curtis@theqtcompany.com)
Mitch Curtis
13 commits (mitch.curtis@digia.com)
Gordan Markuš
12 commits (gordan.markus@pelagicore.com)
Oswald Buddenhagen
7 commits (oswald.buddenhagen@qt.io)
Samuli Piippo
7 commits (samuli.piippo@theqtcompany.com)
Anton Kudryavtsev
7 commits (a.kudryavtsev@netris.ru)
Friedemann Kleint
5 commits (friedemann.kleint@theqtcompany.com)
Kalle Viironen
5 commits (kalle.viironen@theqtcompany.com)
Rainer Keller
5 commits (rainer.keller@digia.com)
Leena Miettinen
4 commits (riitta-leena.miettinen@qt.io)
Simon Hausmann
4 commits (simon.hausmann@theqtcompany.com)
Andy Shaw
3 commits (andy.shaw@qt.io)
Topi Reinio
3 commits (topi.reinio@theqtcompany.com)
Kai Koehne
3 commits (kai.koehne@qt.io)
Jan Arve Saether
3 commits (jan-arve.saether@theqtcompany.com)
Kai Koehne
3 commits (kai.koehne@theqtcompany.com)
Gatis Paeglis
3 commits (gatis.paeglis@theqtcompany.com)
Samuli Piippo
3 commits (samuli.piippo@digia.com)
Caroline Chao
3 commits (caroline.chao@digia.com)
Friedemann Kleint
2 commits (friedemann.kleint@qt.io)
Jani Heikkinen
2 commits (jani.heikkinen@qt.io)
Venugopal Shivashankar
2 commits (venugopal.shivashankar@qt.io)
Sami Nurmenniemi
2 commits (sami.nurmenniemi@qt.io)
Oswald Buddenhagen
2 commits (oswald.buddenhagen@gmx.de)
Nico Vertriest
2 commits (nico.vertriest@qt.io)
Nico Vertriest
2 commits (nico.vertriest@theqtcompany.com)
Volker Krause
2 commits (volker.krause@kdab.com)
Antti Kokko
2 commits (antti.kokko@theqtcompany.com)
Rainer Keller
2 commits (rainer.keller@theqtcompany.com)
Topi Reinio
2 commits (topi.reinio@digia.com)
Andras Becsi
2 commits (andras.becsi@digia.com)
Frederik Gladhorn
2 commits (frederik.gladhorn@digia.com)
Zhang Xingtao
1 commit (xingtao.zhang@yahoo.com)
Marc Mutz
1 commit (marc.mutz@kdab.com)
Maurice Kalinowski
1 commit (maurice.kalinowski@qt.io)
Antti Kokko
1 commit (antti.kokko@qt.io)
Ulf Hermann
1 commit (ulf.hermann@qt.io)
Julian Strobl
1 commit (stroblju@gmail.com)
Otto Ryynänen
1 commit (otto.ryynanen@qt.io)
Tasuku Suzuki
1 commit (tasuku.suzuki@qt.io)
Samuel Gaist
1 commit (samuel.gaist@edeltech.ch)
Jan Arve Sæther
1 commit (jan-arve.saether@qt.io)
BogDan Vatra
1 commit (bogdan@kdab.com)
Bramastyo Harimukti
1 commit (bramastyo.harimukti.santoso@pelagicore.com)
Jeremy Katz
1 commit (jeremy@panix.com)
Edward Welbourne
1 commit (edward.welbourne@theqtcompany.com)
Martin Gräßlin
1 commit (mgraesslin@kde.org)
Eirik Aavitsland
1 commit (eirik.aavitsland@theqtcompany.com)
Frederik Gladhorn
1 commit (frederik.gladhorn@theqtcompany.com)
Jan Arne Petersen
1 commit (jan.petersen@kdab.com)
Liang Qi
1 commit (liang.qi@theqtcompany.com)
Jani Heikkinen
1 commit (jani.heikkinen@theqtcompany.com)
Andy Shaw
1 commit (andy.shaw@theqtcompany.com)
Gatis Paeglis
1 commit (gatis.paeglis@digia.com)
André Pönitz
1 commit (andre.poenitz@digia.com)
Andy Shaw
1 commit (andy.shaw@digia.com)
Jocelyn Turcotte
1 commit (jocelyn.turcotte@digia.com)
Pasi Petäjäjärvi
1 commit (pasi.petajajarvi@digia.com)
Antti Kokko
1 commit (antti.kokko@digia.com)