1. 06 Nov, 2014 - 2 commits
    • Andras Becsi's avatar
      <chromium> FIXUP Convert sync points to GL fence syncs. · 577cd47e
      Andras Becsi authored
      GpuCommandBufferStub::OnRetireSyncPoint is also called as
      a result of shutdown destruction where there is a race
      condition between the ramp-down of the GLContext and the
      DestroyGLFence() and GLFence::CreateWithoutFlush() calls.
      This would result in sporadic shutdown crashes or asserts
      when a page is closed while browsing WebGL content like
      Avoid the additional calls if there is no current context.
      Task-number: QTBUG-42295
      Change-Id: I5aed0df7adca9c95eda71925399d39fd770fffa1
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJocelyn Turcotte <jocelyn.turcotte@digia.com>
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      Fix a shutdown crash under CFAutoreleasePoolPop · ad518d95
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      NSAutoreleasePool init and dray must be symetrical and we can't guarantee
      that for ContentMainRunner as well as Chromium can since we initialize
      the ContentMainRunner on-demand but destroy it with the QCoreApplication's
      We also don't need to use it since any allocation that
      ContentMainRunnerImpl::autorelease_pool_ would cover is already covered
      at the bottom of the stack by the QCocoaAutoReleasePool in
      Change-Id: I2874916420457e3d36d08fb9fca0d919f374f592
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
  2. 05 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  3. 29 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  4. 16 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  5. 14 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  6. 13 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  7. 03 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  8. 02 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 26 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  10. 25 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  11. 24 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  12. 23 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  13. 22 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  14. 11 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <tools/gyp> FIXUP: Allow letting qmake do the link step · e7cb808b
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      ld expects the -l switches to appear after the dependent object on
      the command line. It works if we use QT_PRIVATE to trigger Qt being
      added to the link line since it would be appended to LIBS_PRIVATE as
      well. But QT will append to LIBS, which is listed first in the
      Makefile and would cause undefined symbol errors by following .o
      Fix the issue by adding .o files to OBJECTS instead of LIBS_PRIVATE.
      This will only work if all Qt-dependent code is listed in the
      top-level gyp file, but we've been keeping it layered that way since
      the beginning and it should be acceptable to require it.
      Change-Id: I3b655ce8d6525fb986ca87fb9c2863a239ebf991
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
  15. 10 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  16. 05 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  17. 03 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  18. 02 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  19. 01 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <chromium> Convert sync points to GL fence syncs. · 90056240
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      Chromium is always producing and consuming the textures on the GPU
      thread, switching the GL context accordingly, and are using sync
      points to externally know when it is correct to send the consumming
      GL commands down the pipe of their respective GL context.
      Since Qt is consuming those textures in a different thread,
      synchronizing when commands are handed down to GL isn't always enough.
      The GL driver could decide to do additional scheduling and end up
      executing Qt's consuming GL commands before Chromium's producing ones
      even if they were sent to their respective context in the right order.
      To prevent this, convert each sync point into a real GL fence sync
      and allow Qt to communicate the dependency between consuming and
      producing commands down to GL even across threads.
      gfx::GLFence can now be converted to a POD TransferableFence to allow
      waiting for or destroying the sync using a QOpenGLContext, which
      gl_fence.cc wouldn't be able to use through Chromium's GL function
      Change-Id: I8a9e2de6ed84b2e16f5504c5d66dc3580b87140a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMichael Bruning <michael.bruning@digia.com>
  20. 26 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  21. 22 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  22. 20 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
  23. 18 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  24. 14 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
  25. 12 Aug, 2014 - 4 commits
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <chromium> Add ifdefs to exclude ATL and accessibility from the build · 91822e58
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      ATL currently isn't distributed with MSVS Express, only with the
      Professional version. Chromium requires downloading the WDK iso for
      express users just to be able to use the ATL version that was shipped
      with it.
      We can avoid the extra dependency for now by cutting off all the
      accessibility code, which is currently the only part of the content
      layer depending on ATL. We will use the Qt accessibility code anyway.
      Change-Id: Iec25231250ccfc9405fdf342752733814888f348
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <tools/gyp> Fix ninja_use_custom_environment_files · b84f332d
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      We want to use this option to prevent gyp from detecting the MSVC
      toolchain by itself. We already require the environment to be setup
      according to the desired toolchain for Qt, and we should respect it
      when it's time to build QtWebEngine through gyp.
      win_tool.py currently expects the environment.<arch> file to be
      present. Fix the issue by copying in this file the whole environment
      at the gyp invocation time instead of from an invocation of the
      setup script when ninja_use_custom_environment_files isn't used.
      Change-Id: Iade4c488e1af5cab8306e9070c73d42ec67a955a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <chromium> Disable warnings as errors on Mac and Windows · 94be60ce
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      Since we have little chance of introducing warnings in Chromium code
      and that we allow building the code on more various toolchains,
      avoid breaking the build for warnings.
      We already disable them on os_posix==1 and OS!="mac" by overriding
      the werror% gyp variable in qtwebengine_extras.gypi.
      Change-Id: Ic233bcd018a9a78a508772dea126435e2226b721
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>
    • Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
      <chromium> Add a hook to provide our own icu data file path · 748aea3e
      Jocelyn Turcotte authored
      Qt will always use QLibraryInfo to determine where this file was
      installed, regardless of the platform.
      Change-Id: I79374655356d872b2bc766ec8a33fcba343e9c95
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndras Becsi <andras.becsi@digia.com>