• Jocelyn Turcotte's avatar
    Use the same version scheme as other Qt modules · 88d5cb11
    Jocelyn Turcotte authored
    After trying to get rid of all private header includes, the last
    standing one is qplatformnativeinterface.h even though its name
    previously suggested that it isn't private.
    This would be a complicated piece to expose publically in a way both
    flexible and binary compatible, and is a task heavy enough to
    justify committing to follow Qt's release cycle.
    The QML import version remains to 1.0 and will be incremented the
    same manner as QtQuick itself does.
    Change-Id: I6fab5f229d9f79dbc7a3e82d65ad324020929863
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMichael Bruning <michael.bruning@digia.com>