1. 15 Apr, 2015 - 1 commit
  2. 09 Apr, 2015 - 3 commits
  3. 08 Apr, 2015 - 2 commits
  4. 24 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  5. 17 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  6. 13 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Luca Niccoli's avatar
      Enable websocket tests on Windows · 15627cc2
      Luca Niccoli authored
      The listening socket must be opened on the loopback interface,
      otherwise the test client won't be able to connect.
      Also, name resolution can take a lot of time to fail, so we must
      wait longer when trying to connect to a non-existing host.
      Change-Id: I6d6744bc89e6e851cf49db5ae2c19aa652c0a8a4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLiang Qi <liang.qi@theqtcompany.com>
  7. 09 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  8. 26 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
  9. 25 Feb, 2015 - 3 commits
  10. 24 Feb, 2015 - 2 commits
  11. 23 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
  12. 20 Feb, 2015 - 4 commits
  13. 17 Feb, 2015 - 2 commits
  14. 16 Feb, 2015 - 2 commits
  15. 13 Feb, 2015 - 2 commits
  16. 10 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
  17. 26 Jan, 2015 - 1 commit
  18. 19 Jan, 2015 - 1 commit
  19. 16 Jan, 2015 - 1 commit
  20. 29 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  21. 17 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  22. 12 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  23. 05 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  24. 01 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  25. 21 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  26. 19 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  27. 18 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Peter Kümmel's avatar
      Set parent of internal server objects · 64927e04
      Peter Kümmel authored
      After moving the websocket server into another thread
      current code doesn't work because then the QTcpServer/QSslServer
      objects reside in a different thread:
      "QWarning: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread."
      QObject::moveToThread(QThread*) also moves QObjects's children, therefore the
      internal server objects need to be children of QWebSocketServer.
      Change-Id: Ic7e8a564cd87400a4ab7258e3799157ed359c098
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLiang Qi <liang.qi@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Blasche <alexander.blasche@theqtcompany.com>
  28. 03 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit