Commit 1ce490ca authored by Friedemann Kleint's avatar Friedemann Kleint
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Improve documentation of QWinTaskbarButton::setWindow().

Mention that QWidget::windowHandle() may return 0 until the widget
is shown.

Task-number: QTBUG-47035
Change-Id: Ied8ceb6c1652f5f416a51dc6378599d5efe85420
Reviewed-by: default avatarLeena Miettinen <>
Showing with 5 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ headerdirs = .. ../../imports/winextras
sourcedirs = .. ../../imports/winextras
imagedirs += images
depends += qtcore qtgui qtdoc
depends += qtcore qtgui qtdoc qtwidgets
qhp.projects = QtWinExtras
......@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\snippet code/taskbar.cpp taskbar_cpp
\note QWidget::windowHandle() returns a valid instance of a QWindow only
after the widget has been shown. It is therefore recommended to delay the
initialization of the QWinTaskbarButton instances until QWidget::showEvent().
\note The class wraps API only available since Windows 7. Instantiating it
on Windows XP or Windows Vista causes a runtime warning.
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