Commit deddb3ee authored by Leena Miettinen's avatar Leena Miettinen Committed by The Qt Project
Browse files

Doc: add descriptions for all QML types

Each type must have at least one paragraph of descriptive
text in addition to a \brief. Edited the briefs where necessary.

Change-Id: I0cfaa37b39bab0be8409e4bf6ac8c4b6e5a77bf3
Reviewed-by: default avatarJerome Pasion <>
Showing with 33 additions and 8 deletions
......@@ -46,8 +46,13 @@ import QtWinExtras 1.0
\inherits JumpListItem
\inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
\brief Represents a file, which can be edited or viewed by application.
\brief Represents a file that can be edited or viewed by an application.
\since 5.2
The JumpDestination type contains a path to a file that users can select
from a Jump List to view or edit it with an application.
JumpListItem {
......@@ -46,8 +46,12 @@ import QtWinExtras 1.0
\inherits JumpListItem
\inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
\brief Represents a command to a application.
\brief Represents a command to execute an application.
\since 5.2
The JumpLink type represents a command to execute an application.
JumpListItem {
......@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ import QtWinExtras 1.0
\brief Represents a task list separator.
\since 5.2
The JumpListSeparator type represents a separator in a Jump List. This value
is used only for task lists.
JumpListItem {
......@@ -50,7 +50,13 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
\brief Enables you to modify the application Jump List.
\since 5.2
The JumpList type enables you to modify Windows Jump Lists.
An application can use Jump Lists to provide users with faster access to
files or to display shortcuts to tasks or commands.
......@@ -156,7 +162,9 @@ void QQuickJumpList::appendGroup(QQmlListProperty<QQuickJumpListCategory> *prope
\brief Represents a category of custom destinations.
\since 5.2
A category consists of several destinations and has a title.
The JumpCategory type represents a category that consists of several
Jump List destinations and has a title.
......@@ -54,9 +54,12 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\instantiates QQuickWinDwmFeatures
\inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
\brief Enables you to extend a glass frame into the client area, as well as
to control the behavior of Aero Peek and Flip3D.
\brief Enables you to manage the Windows DWM features.
\since 5.2
The WinDwmFeatures type enables you to extend a glass frame into the client
area, as well as to control the behavior of Aero Peek and Flip3D.
......@@ -50,12 +50,14 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\instantiates QQuickWinTaskbarButton
\inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
\brief Enables you to set overlay icons on a taskbar button, to display a
progress indicator, and to add a small toolbar to the window thumbnail
\brief Manages Windows taskbar buttons.
\since 5.2
The WinTaskbarButton type enables you to set overlay icons on a taskbar
button, to display a progress indicator, and to add a small toolbar to the
window thumbnail popup.
\sa QWinTaskbarButton
Supports Markdown
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