HTTP File Transfer server
A PHP script managing file transfer according to Rich Communications Service recommendation : RCC.07 v6.0 section File Transfer via HTTP.
The server requires a functional web server serving php script located (by default) in /opt/belledonne-communications/share/flexisip-http-file-transfer-server/hft.php
The server requires writing access to a directory accessible directly through http, located by default in /var/opt/belledonne-communications/flexisip-http-file-transfer-tmp/ It is strongly advised to disable any script execution in this directory.
Logs are written in /var/opt/belledonne-communications/log/flexisip-http-file-transfer.log
The configuration file is in /etc/flexisip-http-file-transfer-server/flexisip-http-file-transfer-server.conf If you modify there the path to the upload directory, you might have to also modify the apache configuration file(httpd/conf.d/flexisip-http-file-transfer-server.conf)
Maximum uploaded file size can be limited. The apache configuration file set the limit to 512 MB, this limit can be decreased in the file server configuration.
User Authentication
Access to the file transfer server can be limited using user authentication.
- Authentication via TLS certificate can be achieve by modifying the apache server configuration and is out of the scope of this server configuration.
- Digest authentication can be enabled in the configuration file, see there for details. Digest auth can be enabled on upload only or on both upload and download. If do not want to enable the digest auth on upload, check the apache configuration file (httpd/conf.d/flexisip-http-file-transfer-server.conf) and enable the alias to allow direct download
The package install a logrotate and a crontab entry to rotate the log and delete uploaded file at the end of their validity period (default 1 week)