flexisip_cli.py 6.17 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function # needed for using print() instead of 'print' statement with Python 2
import argparse
# Check interpreter version
if sys.version_info[0] != 3:
	raise RuntimeError('Python v3 is required for this script')

def parse_args():
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A command line interface for managing Flexisip")
	parser.add_argument('-p', '--pid', type=int, default=0,
		help="""PID of the process to communicate with. If 0 is given, the pid will be automatically found from /var/run/flexisip-<server_type>.pid or,
		if no pid file has been found, by picking the pid of the first process which name matches flexisip-<server_type>. (default: 0)"""
	parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', choices=('proxy', 'presence', 'b2bua'), default='proxy',
		help="""Type of the server to communicate with. (default: proxy)""")

	commands = {
		'CONFIG_GET': {'help': 'Get the value of an internal variable of Flexisip.'},
		'CONFIG_SET': {'help': 'Set the value of an internal variable of Flexisip.'},
		'CONFIG_LIST': {'help': 'List all the available parameters of a section.'},
		'REGISTRAR_GET': {'help': 'List all bindings under an address of record from registrar database.'},
		'REGISTRAR_UPSERT': {'help': 'Update or Insert a binding for an Adress of Record (AOR) in the registrar database.'},
		'REGISTRAR_DELETE': {'help': 'Remove a specific binding of an address of record from the registrar database.'},
		'REGISTRAR_CLEAR': {'help': 'Remove an address-of-record from the registrar database.'},
		'REGISTRAR_DUMP': {'help': 'Dump list of registered address-of-records for this proxy instance only (not all the cluster !)'},
		'SIP_BRIDGE': {'help': 'Send commands to the external SIP provider bridge. (If active)'},

	kargs = {
		'dest': 'command',
		'metavar': 'command',
		'help': """Action to do on the server. Type `{prog} <command> --help` for detailed
					documentation about the given command.""".format(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
	if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,7):
		kargs['required'] = True
	cmdSubparser = parser.add_subparsers(**kargs)
	for cmdName in commands.keys():
		desc = commands[cmdName]['help']
		commands[cmdName]['parser'] = cmdSubparser.add_parser(cmdName, help=desc, description=desc)

	pathDocumentation = "Parameter name formatted as '<section_name>/<param_name>'."

	commands['CONFIG_GET']['parser'].add_argument('path', help=pathDocumentation)
	commands['CONFIG_SET']['parser'].add_argument('path', help=pathDocumentation)
	commands['CONFIG_SET']['parser'].add_argument('value', help="The new value.")
	commands['CONFIG_LIST']['parser'].add_argument('section_name', nargs='?', default='all',
		help='The name of the section. The list of all available sections is returned if no section name is given.'
	commands['REGISTRAR_CLEAR']['parser'].add_argument('uri', help='AOR sip uri.')
	commands['REGISTRAR_GET']['parser'].add_argument('uri', help='AOR sip uri.')
	commands['REGISTRAR_UPSERT']['parser'].add_argument('uri', help='AOR sip uri.')
	commands['REGISTRAR_UPSERT']['parser'].add_argument('contact_address', help='SIP URI of the new binding.')
	commands['REGISTRAR_UPSERT']['parser'].add_argument('expire', help='Time to Live for the new binding (in seconds).')
	commands['REGISTRAR_UPSERT']['parser'].add_argument('uuid', help='Unique identifier of the binding. Get it from REGISTRAR_GET for updates, leave it out to be autogenerated on insertions.', default=None, nargs='?')
	commands['REGISTRAR_DELETE']['parser'].add_argument('uri', help='AOR sip uri.')
	commands['REGISTRAR_DELETE']['parser'].add_argument('uuid', help='+sip.instance value identifying the binding.')
	commands['SIP_BRIDGE']['parser'].add_argument('subcommand', help='The command to send to the bridge. Valid commands: INFO')
def getpid(procName):
	from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
	pidFile = '/var/run/{procName}.pid'.format(procName=procName)

		return int(check_output(['cat', pidFile]))
		return int(check_output(['pidof', '-s', procName]))
		print('error: could not find flexisip process pid', file=sys.stderr)

def formatMessage(args):
	if args.command is None:
		print('error: no command specified', file=sys.stderr)
	messageArgs = [args.command]
	if args.command == 'CONFIG_GET':
	elif args.command == 'CONFIG_SET':
		messageArgs += [args.path, args.value]
	elif args.command == 'CONFIG_LIST':
	elif args.command == 'REGISTRAR_CLEAR':
	elif args.command == 'REGISTRAR_GET':
	elif args.command == 'REGISTRAR_UPSERT':
		if (args.uuid):
	elif args.command == 'REGISTRAR_DELETE':
	elif args.command == 'SIP_BRIDGE':
	return ' '.join(messageArgs)

def sendMessage(remote_socket, message):
	import socket
	with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) as s:
		timeout_seconds = 3
			received = s.recv(65535).decode()
			if received.startswith('Error'):
				# The server reports an error, it probably has to do with the arguments passed, so USAGE seems appropriate
				return os.EX_USAGE
				return os.EX_OK  # https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.EX_OK
		except socket.error as err:
			print('error: could not connect to socket {!r}: {!r}'.format(remote_socket, err), file=sys.stderr)
			# error: could not connect to socket '/tmp/flexisip-proxy-15150': PermissionError(13, 'Permission denied')
			return os.EX_UNAVAILABLE
	args = parse_args()

	pid = args.pid
	proc_name = 'flexisip-{}'.format(args.server)
		pid = getpid(proc_name)

	socket = '/tmp/{}-{}'.format(proc_name, pid)
	message = formatMessage(args)
	return sendMessage(socket, message)