Commit b0f89002 authored by Thibault Lemaire's avatar Thibault Lemaire
Browse files

feat: Bump SDK to latest 5.3 stable

Fixes account routes not being used to send invite
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ endif()
option(ENABLE_SANITIZERS "Turn on sanitizers, like the LSAN memory leak detector" ${IS_DEBUG})
option(ENABLE_STRICT "Pass strict flags to the compiler" ON)
option(ENABLE_STRICT_LINPHONESDK "Pass strict flags to the compiler for all Linphone SDK submodules" ON)
option(ENABLE_STRICT_LINPHONESDK "Pass strict flags to the compiler for all Linphone SDK submodules" OFF)
option(ENABLE_DATEHANDLER "Build DateHandler module" OFF)
option(ENABLE_PDFDOC "Build PDF documentation" OFF)
option(ENABLE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK_REGISTRATIONS "Enable monotonic clock for registrations" OFF)
Supports Markdown
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