Flexisip is a complete, modular and scalable SIP server suite written in C++11, comprising proxy, presence and group chat functions. It also includes a push gateway, to deliver SIP incoming calls or text messages on mobile device platforms where push notifications are required to receive information when the app is not active in the foreground.
Flexisip instances can be deployed on server machines to run a SIP VoIP service. The free linphone.org SIP service has run on Flexisip since 2011, and enables Linphone users to create SIP addresses in order to connect with each other.
It can also be embedded and run perfectly on small hardware systems.
To see all supported features and RFCs: http://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/flexisip/features
To read the documentation: http://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/flexisip/documentation
Copyright © Belledonne Communications
Flexisip is dual licensed, and can be licensed and distributed:
- under a GNU Affero GPLv3 license for free (see COPYING file for details)
- under a proprietary license, for closed source projects. Contact Belledonne Communications for any question about costs and services.
- Supported features and RFCs : https://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/flexisip/features
- Flexisip documentation : https://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/flexisip/documentation
Flexisip depends on the following projects, added as submodule in the git repository:
- sofia-sip
- ortp
- bctoolbox
- hiredis (optionaly)
Thesedependencies below are optional, though stronly recommended for a reliable and scalable deployment:
- soci
- protobuf
- netsnmp
Specifically for presence server:
- xsd (>= 4, for old OS on which this version isn't packaged, rpm and deb are available here: http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/xsd/download.xhtml)
- pdflatex to generate the documentation in PDF format.
- xercesc3
Flexisip uses cmake as build system, extended by a prepare.py script written in python. Note that some automake/autoconf scripts and Makefile.am are also present in the source code, however they are no longer the recommended way for building flexisip, and these files will be removed in mid term.
GNU/Linux developer build
You can issue ./prepare.py -lf to see all possible build options. Then use the following to proceed with compilation: ./prepare.py make
Alternatively, provided that ortp, bctoolbox and sofia-sip dependencies are installed on the system, flexisip's cmake integration can be used directly, for example:
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/belledonne-communications -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/etc
rpm and deb packages
The "flexisip-rpm" ./prepare.py target can be used to generate rpm packages for flexisip and its dependencies. "Alien" program is used internaly to convert into debian packages, when this build is run on a debian or debian like linux OS. The following dependency packages are required (as rpm package name): mbedtls-devel sqlite-devel postgresql-devel rpm-build bison speex-devel
./prepare.py flexisip-rpm -DENABLE_REDIS=ON -DENABLE_BC_HIREDIS=ON
A docker image can be build from sources with command: cd docker && make flexisip-build
Macos X
The cmake scripts of flexisip can be used to develop with Flexisip in Xcode. You need to run:
./prepare.py -G Xcode flexisip \ -DENABLE_REDIS=NO \ -DEP_sofiasip_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/
xcodebuild -project WORK/flexisip/cmake/Project.xcodeproj/
open WORK/flexisip/Build/flexisip/flexisip.xcodeproj
The soci dependency is not easy to install on MacOS. If you need it, you can use these tips, based on "brew" system:
You need to install and unlink mysql : brew install mysql brew unlink mysql Then install mysql-connector-c brew install mysql-connector-c And finally install soci with mysql brew install soci --with-mysql
You can now use -DENABLE_SOCI=ON in your prepare options.
Flexisip needs a configuration file for running correctly. You can either:
- copy and modify file flexisip.conf.sample to flexisip.conf in directory /etc/flexisip
- or issue
flexisip --dump-default all > flexisip.conf
in a terminal to generate a configuration file with the default values.
Developer notes
With sofia-sip, you have the choice between msg_dup and msg_copy, sip_from_dup and sip_from_copy etc... The difference isn't well documented in sofia-sip documentation. However it is important to understand that *_copy() just makes a copy of the structure, not the strings pointed by it *_dup() makes a copy of structure plus all included strings inside. *_copy() versions can be thus dangerous. Use *_dup() in doubt.