
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


This changelog file was started on October 2019. Previous changes were more or less tracked in the NEWS file.

[5.1.0] Unreleased


  • LinphoneRecorder API added to record voice messages, that can later be sent in a LinphoneChatMessage.
  • A recommended video definitions list that filter the supported video definitions list.
  • 1080p is added to the list of supported definitions for Android and iOS targets.


  • Java wrapper no longer catches app exceptions that happens in listener

Security fixes

  • To protect against "SIP digest leak", MD5 and digestion without qop=auth can be disabled by configuration See linphone_core_set_digest_authentication_policy() in reference documentation for more details. Alternatively the following properties can be added in linphonerc configuration file: [digest_authentication_policy] allow_md5=0 allow_no_qop=0 To preserve maximum interoperability with available SIP services, default values for both options are 1 (true). Using a robust password is anyway highly recommended to avoid brute force attacks.

[5.0.0] 2021-07-08


  • Native support of Windows 10 UWP platform
  • CoreService class for Android can make the device vibrate while incoming call is ringing.
  • Support of Capability Negociation framework - RFC5939 - limited to media encryption choice (None, SRTP, DTLS-SRTP, ZRTP)
  • Automatic handling of push notifications for iOS and Android.
    • A new state LinphoneCallPushIncomingReceived is added to the LinphoneCall's state machine.
    • New LinphonePushNotificationConfig object added to the API.
  • New API to manage SIP accounts: LinphoneAccount and LinphoneAccountParams, replacing LinphoneProxyConfig which is now deprecated. LinphoneProxyConfig remains fully usable for backward compatibility with previous version.
  • New implementation of LinphoneAccountCreator relying on http REST API. Previous implementation based on XML-RPC remains the default one, but will be deprecated in a future release.
  • Added LDAP contact provider API integrated with LinphoneMagicSearch (desktop platforms ONLY)
  • Added asynchronous API to the LinphoneMagicSearch API (for contact searching).


  • Java wrapper now creates a separated managed object for const native pointers and print an error log when trying to use a non-const method on it.
  • Java & C# wrapper now takes a strong reference on listeners, allowing to use inner classes & lambda expressions even without keeping parent object around.
  • Deprecated methods for more than two years have been removed from wrappers (e.g. every setListener() on some objects).
  • Automatic BYEing of orphan dialogs - this task no longer needs to be done by the proxy, conforming to RFC3261.
  • Generation of C# API documentation now with DocFX.


  • Legacy Java wrapper for Android


  • Erroneous ICE ufrag and passwd parameters sent in reINVITE while ICE was refused previously.
  • Swift and C# wrappers corner-case usage issues.
  • See git log for full list of other minor bugfixes.

[4.5.0] 2021-03-29


  • Audio conference API improved: distribution of participant list over RFC4575 SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY.
  • Automatic handling of some mobile OS behaviours
    • enterForeground() and enterBackground() automatically called (iOS and Android).
    • auto acquire and release of audio focus for Android.
    • Core.iterate() is being called automatically internally for Android & iOS, it is no longer needed to create a timer in the application to call it.
  • New audio routes API to choose which device use to capture & play audio (Android & iOS). The application can manage audio route changes (bluetooth, speaker, earpiece) throug liblinphone's API.
  • Added API to play user's ringtone instead of default ringtone for Android.
  • Added callback to notify a message is about to be sent.
  • iOS: added linphone_core_configure_audio_session() to be called when used with Callkit see specific documentation here:
  • client-based video conference in active speaker switching mode (beta feature).


  • Warning: some function parameters have been renamed for consistency, which modified the Swift API (where parameter names are part of the ABI). As a result, adjustements in applications are expected when migrating a swift app based on liblinphone from 4.4 to 4.5.
  • Improved Android network manager.
  • To make it consistent with other liblinphone's object, linphone_core_create_subscribe(), linphone_core_create_subscribe2(), linphone_core_create_publish() now give ownership of the returned LinphoneEvent, which means that it is no longer need to call linphone_event_ref() after calling these functions. As a consequence, an application not using linphone_event_ref() should now use linphone_event_unref() when the LinphoneEvent is no longer used, otherwise it will create a memory leak.
  • Real time text related function linphone_chat_message_get_char() now will always return the new line character, which wasn't the case before if the get_char() was done after the composing callback was triggered for this character.
  • linphone_core_interpret_url() will unescape characters first if possible if only a username is given as input parameter.
  • linphone_chat_message_cancel_file_transfer() no longer deletes the file for outgoing messages.
  • magic search result created from filter now applies the international prefix of the default proxy config if possible.
  • To improve performance file transfer progress callback will be at most notified 100 times.
  • Deprecate linphone_core_audio_route_changed() that was introduced in 4.4, to fix audio issues when switching audio to some low sample rate Bluetooth devices. It is now handled internally.


  • Internal refactoring of management of locally played tones, in order to fix race conditions.
  • Magic search bar not looking in all friends lists.
  • Error IMDN in LIME chat rooms not properly sent.
  • Chat message lost during attachment auto download if Core stopped during the process.
  • Windows tests.
  • Name of MediaCodec encoder and decoder filters in H264Helper Java class.
  • Both FileContent and FileTransferContent being present in linphone_chat_message_get_contents() list until upload is finished.

[4.4.0] 2020-06-16



  • Big internal refactoring of how streams are managed within offer/answer exchanges, in order to facilitate bundle mode implementation, as well as development of new features.
  • ICE now uses all IP addresses detected on the host (except IPv6 temporary ones)
  • Better handling of parameter changes in streams during the session, which avoids unecessary restarts.
  • Do not notify phone number being too short in account manager anymore, our dial plan isn't precise enough to garanty phone number is invalid in this case
  • Swift wrapper is no longer compiled due to its limited binary compatibility. It is instead exported as source code to be compiled with the application making use of it.


  • Internal refactoring of management of locally played tones, in order to fix race conditions.
  • Issues when handling SDP offer with only text stream.
  • Random file transfer issues when used with LIME.

[4.3.0] - 2019-10-14


  • New cmake options to make "small" builds of liblinphone, by excluding adavanced IM and DB storage.


  • Optimisations in chatrooms loading from Sqlite DB, improving startup time.
  • License changed to GNU GPLv3.