Commit 393b958a authored by Sylvain Berfini's avatar Sylvain Berfini :cow:
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Linphone 3.5.2

parent 4a191143
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Showing with 10 additions and 4 deletions
linphone-3.5.1 -- ?? linphone-3.5.2 -- February 22, 2012
* updated oRTP to 0.20.0
* updated mediastreamer2 to 2.8.2
* added ZRTP media encryption
* added SILK audio codec
linphone-3.5.1 -- February 17, 2012
* gtk - implement friend search by typing into the friendlist, and friend sorting * gtk - implement friend search by typing into the friendlist, and friend sorting
linphone-3.5.0 -- December 22, 2011 linphone-3.5.0 -- December 22, 2011
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
AC_INIT([linphone],[3.5.1],[]) AC_INIT([linphone],[3.5.2],[])
AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([coreapi/linphonecore.c]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([coreapi/linphonecore.c])
mediastreamer2 @ 71140833
Subproject commit 4cee83249c8cfb1357c0dd3691a90c6ea9284ac2 Subproject commit 7114083338b947014bc0a5e111c96018bb1272c2
oRTP @ c8cf8b73
Subproject commit 81bc939428560a344999dbe13a30f3ed1b18837d Subproject commit c8cf8b73bd054978036837f4c7b90a78166bfe0e
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