Commit 6e4cc073 authored by Mickaël Turnel's avatar Mickaël Turnel
Browse files

Add a workaround for ICE used by WebRTC

(cherry picked from commit c26adf04)
Showing with 38 additions and 15 deletions
......@@ -646,13 +646,36 @@ void MS2Stream::getRtpDestination(const OfferAnswerContext &params, RtpAddressIn
? params.resultMediaDescription->getStreamAtIdx(static_cast<unsigned int>(mBundleOwner->getIndex()))
: params.getResultStreamDescription();
info->rtpAddr = stream.rtp_addr.empty() == false ? stream.rtp_addr : params.resultMediaDescription->addr;
bool isMulticast = !!ms_is_multicast(info->rtpAddr.c_str());
info->rtpPort = stream.rtp_port;
info->rtcpAddr = stream.rtcp_addr.empty() == false ? stream.rtcp_addr : info->rtpAddr;
info->rtcpPort = (linphone_core_rtcp_enabled(getCCore()) && !isMulticast)
? (stream.rtcp_port ? stream.rtcp_port : stream.rtp_port + 1)
: 0;
const auto &remoteStream =
(mRtpBundle && !mOwnsBundle && mBundleOwner)
? params.remoteMediaDescription->getStreamAtIdx(static_cast<unsigned int>(mBundleOwner->getIndex()))
: params.getRemoteStreamDescription();
// Work-around for WebRTC as it does not send remote candidates when it should.
// So in this case, re-use the IP and port already used by ICE.
if (!params.localIsOfferer && getIceService().isActive() && getIceService().hasCompleted() &&
remoteStream.ice_remote_candidates.empty()) {
const auto *session =
(mRtpBundle && !mOwnsBundle && mBundleOwner) ? mBundleOwner->mSessions.rtp_session : mSessions.rtp_session;
char rtpAddr[64] = {};
bctbx_sockaddr_to_ip_address((struct sockaddr *)&session->, session->, rtpAddr,
sizeof(rtpAddr), &info->rtpPort);
info->rtpAddr = string(rtpAddr);
char rtcpAddr[64] = {};
bctbx_sockaddr_to_ip_address((struct sockaddr *)&session->, session->,
rtcpAddr, sizeof(rtcpAddr), &info->rtcpPort);
info->rtcpAddr = string(rtcpAddr);
} else {
info->rtpAddr = stream.rtp_addr.empty() == false ? stream.rtp_addr : params.resultMediaDescription->addr;
bool isMulticast = !!ms_is_multicast(info->rtpAddr.c_str());
info->rtpPort = stream.rtp_port;
info->rtcpAddr = stream.rtcp_addr.empty() == false ? stream.rtcp_addr : info->rtpAddr;
info->rtcpPort = (linphone_core_rtcp_enabled(getCCore()) && !isMulticast)
? (stream.rtcp_port ? stream.rtcp_port : stream.rtp_port + 1)
: 0;
......@@ -1105,14 +1128,14 @@ void MS2Stream::updateDestinations(const OfferAnswerContext &params) {
std::string rtpAddr =
(resultStreamDesc.rtp_addr.empty() == false) ? resultStreamDesc.rtp_addr : params.resultMediaDescription->addr;
std::string rtcpAddr = (resultStreamDesc.rtcp_addr.empty() == false) ? resultStreamDesc.rtcp_addr
: params.resultMediaDescription->addr;
lInfo() << "Change audio stream destination: RTP=" << rtpAddr << ":" << resultStreamDesc.rtp_port
<< " RTCP=" << rtcpAddr << ":" << resultStreamDesc.rtcp_port;
rtp_session_set_remote_addr_full(mSessions.rtp_session, rtpAddr.c_str(), resultStreamDesc.rtp_port,
rtcpAddr.c_str(), resultStreamDesc.rtcp_port);
RtpAddressInfo info;
getRtpDestination(params, &info);
lInfo() << "Change audio stream destination: RTP=" << info.rtpAddr << ":" << info.rtpPort
<< " RTCP=" << info.rtcpAddr << ":" << info.rtcpPort;
rtp_session_set_remote_addr_full(mSessions.rtp_session, info.rtpAddr.c_str(), info.rtpPort, info.rtcpAddr.c_str(),
bool MS2Stream::updateRtpProfile(const OfferAnswerContext &params) {
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