1. 09 Dec, 2021 - 2 commits
  2. 08 Dec, 2021 - 1 commit
  3. 07 Dec, 2021 - 2 commits
  4. 03 Dec, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Conference participant NOTIFY: · 26317522
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      - participant added to conference -> onParticipantAdded
      - participant removed from conference -> onParticipantRemoved
      - participant device added to conference -> onParticipantDeviceAdded
      - participant device removed from conference -> onParticipantDeviceRemoved
      - participant temporarely leavy conference -> onParticipantLeft
      - participant rejoins conference -> onParticipantJoined
      Verify behaviour when a participant removes video from a video conference
  5. 01 Dec, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Conference establishment on a server: · f543865c
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      - allow remote to schedule a conference on a server
      - start and end time are passed as the values of the active time attribute in the SDP invite
      - an ICS is sent to all participants to be able to join the conference by dialling the focus address
  6. 29 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
    • jehan's avatar
      improve tests reliabilities · 5e6da9aa
      jehan authored
      	-bundle mode. 
      	-aggregate IMDN.
      	-LIME X3DH session corrupted
      	-LIME X3DH stop/start core
  7. 25 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
  8. 24 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
  9. 08 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Anthony Gauchy's avatar
      CI stabilisation · f0994a59
      Anthony Gauchy authored
       - main-db.cpp : soci::use must be use with lvalue only
       - version.cpp : fix to only compile regex once
       - local_tester_hosts : update to match tester_hosts
  10. 02 Nov, 2021 - 2 commits
  11. 07 Oct, 2021 - 1 commit
  12. 03 Sep, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Sylvain Berfini's avatar
      Implement synchronized ephemeral messages settings across all chat rooms participants · c5a467e3
      Sylvain Berfini authored and Andrea Gianarda's avatar Andrea Gianarda committed
      Move ephemeral lifetime setting to ChatRoomParams
      If admin force participants to use ephemeral messages, they can enable or disable ephemeral capabilities in two different ways:
      - function enableEphemeral:
        - if used to enable ephemeral messages, it will set the ephemeral time to the value stored in the core configuration if the current value is 0
        - if used to disable ephemeral messages, it will disable the feature without changing the ephemeral lifetime
      - function setEphemeralLifetime:
        - enable ephemeral if the new lifetime is different from 0, disable the feature otherwise
  13. 12 Aug, 2021 - 1 commit
  14. 28 Jun, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Benjamin Verdier's avatar
      add code for media recorder in public api · 80846502
      Benjamin Verdier authored and Sylvain Berfini's avatar Sylvain Berfini committed
      Add tester for recorder api and some fixes
      recorder now use capture device as default audio device & recorder_open now needs device orientation
      Use HybridObject to implement the linphone recorder
      Fixed build
      Fixed issue in doc
      Added linphone_recorder_get_duration
      Improved recorder tester
      Added missing APIs for sending voice recording via chat message
      Fix windows compilation and functions not suitable for testers
      Fixed recorder tests
      Fixes related to voice recording chat message + added test in Message suite
      Changes to wrap new API properly + duration db storage + fixes
      Add core function to create recorder params
      Reworked recorder params use + fixed ref issue on LinphoneContent when sending voice message
  15. 03 Jun, 2021 - 1 commit
  16. 16 Apr, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Finalize work on conference API: · 59692dce
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      - further implement RFC4575 media events
      - the conference sends out the conference capabilities in its full state notify
      - when the conference media change, a media event will be sent out to inform participants (onAvailableMediaChanged)
      - when a remote participant pauses its call and conference event package is enabled, a participant device media changed event is sent (onParticipantDeviceMediaChanged)
      - prevent that a core that supports the event conference package pauses individual calls in a conference
      - rework of address comparison using belle sip functions
      - add conference parameter to allow conference with one participant
  17. 31 Mar, 2021 - 1 commit
  18. 06 Jan, 2021 - 2 commits
  19. 22 Dec, 2020 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Set Address as a protected base class of IdentityAddress · deaccabd
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      Remove identity address in identity address paerser cache from leak detector
      Add specialization of getEmptyConstRefObject for addresses so that they can be ignored by the leak detector
      Generalize ConferenceAddress by making it save all URI parameters
  20. 14 Dec, 2020 - 1 commit
  21. 04 Dec, 2020 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Improve logging of events added to the mainDb · cc00e4e1
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      Add participant removed event to the main DB without updating the DB content
      Try to terminate event only if it not NULL in subscribe_loosing_dialog_2
      Fix test "Call accepted while callee is updating another one"
      Preempt sound resources only if media_resources_mode is set to unique. It fixes test "2 Video call accepted in send only" because the core receiving the calls is used in server mode
      Bring back LeaksMemory tag to test "Group chat room subscription denied". Leaks are caused by network up and down
      Destroy cores if calls are not received in push incoming call suite
  22. 22 Nov, 2020 - 1 commit
  23. 29 Oct, 2020 - 1 commit
  24. 09 Oct, 2020 - 1 commit
  25. 06 Oct, 2020 - 1 commit
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Rework conference. · 4387c3ed
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      When participants are added to a local conference, a remote conference is created that allow the remote participants to receive notifications about newly added participants and other events if the event conference package is enabled
      Delete private classes of LocalConferenceEventHandler, RemoteConferenceEventHandler, Participant, ParticipantDevice, Conference, LocalConference, RemoteConference, RemoteConferenceEventHandler, LocalConferenceEventHandler
      Send 200OK to subscribes whose state is terminated and expires field is set to 0
      Create audio video conference tester whose task is to verify conference behaviour
  26. 05 Oct, 2020 - 1 commit
  27. 25 Sep, 2020 - 1 commit
  28. 22 Sep, 2020 - 1 commit
  29. 06 Jul, 2020 - 2 commits
  30. 23 Jun, 2020 - 1 commit
  31. 19 Jun, 2020 - 2 commits
  32. 18 Jun, 2020 - 1 commit
  33. 15 Jun, 2020 - 2 commits