1. 26 Oct, 2023 - 3 commits
    • Simon Morlat's avatar
    • Ghislain MARY's avatar
      Fix versions in Info.plist. · ea2e252d
      Ghislain MARY authored
    • Andrea Gianarda's avatar
      Recover from chat room duplication in the database. · a60dcc80
      Andrea Gianarda authored
      When starting the core, make sure that there is not other chatroom
      already retrieved that has the same conference id when the gr parameter
      is ignored on the peer and local address. If so, then keep the one that
      has the oldest creation time and replace it by the value stored in the
      All events linked to the to-be-deleted chat room generated before chat room creation time are moved as
      they now belong to the kept chat room. The other events are simply
      deleted because they are linked ot both chatrooms.
      Split suite "Local conference tester (Chat)" into "Local conference tester (Chat Basic)" and "Local conference tester (Chat Advanced)"
  2. 25 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  3. 24 Oct, 2023 - 10 commits
  4. 23 Oct, 2023 - 4 commits
  5. 20 Oct, 2023 - 3 commits
  6. 17 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
    • Simon Morlat's avatar
      Enforce prohibition of the reuse of LinphoneCallParams obtained by... · e3c82eb4
      Simon Morlat authored
      Enforce prohibition of the reuse of LinphoneCallParams obtained by linphone_call_get_current_params() or linphone_call_get_remote_params() through linphone_core_invite_address_with_params()/linphone_call_accept_with_params()/linphone_call_update()/linphone_call_accept_update(). Despite documentation explicitely asks to use linphone_core_create_call_params(), developers tend to do this, which leads to unpredictable behaviors and failures.
    • johan's avatar
      Test MKV recorder used with EVFS · 6737969d
      johan authored and johan's avatar johan committed
  7. 16 Oct, 2023 - 3 commits
  8. 13 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  9. 12 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  10. 11 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  11. 10 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
  12. 06 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  13. 05 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  14. 04 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
  15. 03 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
  16. 02 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
  17. 29 Sep, 2023 - 2 commits