

Showing with 61 additions and 43 deletions
......@@ -37,9 +37,11 @@ using namespace LinphonePrivate;
class MainDbProvider {
MainDbProvider () {
MainDbProvider () : MainDbProvider("db/linphone.db") { }
MainDbProvider (const char *db_file) {
mCoreManager = linphone_core_manager_create("marie_rc");
char *roDbPath = bc_tester_res("db/linphone.db");
char *roDbPath = bc_tester_res(db_file);
char *rwDbPath = bc_tester_file("linphone.db");
BC_ASSERT_FALSE(liblinphone_tester_copy_file(roDbPath, rwDbPath));
linphone_config_set_string(linphone_core_get_config(mCoreManager->lc), "storage", "uri", rwDbPath);
......@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ private:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void get_events_count () {
static void get_events_count (void) {
MainDbProvider provider;
const MainDb &mainDb = provider.getMainDb();
BC_ASSERT_EQUAL(mainDb.getEventCount(), 5175, int, "%d");
......@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ static void get_events_count () {
BC_ASSERT_EQUAL(mainDb.getEventCount(MainDb::NoFilter), 5175, int, "%d");
static void get_messages_count () {
static void get_messages_count (void) {
MainDbProvider provider;
const MainDb &mainDb = provider.getMainDb();
BC_ASSERT_EQUAL(mainDb.getChatMessageCount(), 5157, int, "%d");
......@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ static void get_messages_count () {
static void get_unread_messages_count () {
static void get_unread_messages_count (void) {
MainDbProvider provider;
const MainDb &mainDb = provider.getMainDb();
BC_ASSERT_EQUAL(mainDb.getUnreadChatMessageCount(), 2, int, "%d");
......@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ static void get_unread_messages_count () {
static void get_history () {
static void get_history (void) {
MainDbProvider provider;
const MainDb &mainDb = provider.getMainDb();
......@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ static void get_history () {
static void get_conference_notified_events () {
static void get_conference_notified_events (void) {
MainDbProvider provider;
const MainDb &mainDb = provider.getMainDb();
list<shared_ptr<EventLog>> events = mainDb.getConferenceNotifiedEvents(
......@@ -185,12 +187,21 @@ static void get_conference_notified_events () {
static void load_a_lot_of_chatrooms(void) {
chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
MainDbProvider provider("db/chatrooms.db");
chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
long ms = (long) chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count();
BC_ASSERT_LOWER(ms, 1000, long, "%li");
test_t main_db_tests[] = {
TEST_NO_TAG("Get events count", get_events_count),
TEST_NO_TAG("Get messages count", get_messages_count),
TEST_NO_TAG("Get unread messages count", get_unread_messages_count),
TEST_NO_TAG("Get history", get_history),
TEST_NO_TAG("Get conference events", get_conference_notified_events)
TEST_NO_TAG("Get conference events", get_conference_notified_events),
TEST_NO_TAG("Load a lot of chatrooms", load_a_lot_of_chatrooms)
test_suite_t main_db_test_suite = {
......@@ -74,14 +74,6 @@ public class AndroidPlatformHelper {
private PowerManager mPowerManager;
private WakeLock mWakeLock;
private Resources mResources;
private String mLinphoneRootCaFile;
private String mRingSoundFile;
private String mRingbackSoundFile;
private String mPauseSoundFile;
private String mErrorToneFile;
private String mGrammarCpimFile;
private String mGrammarVcardFile ;
private String mUserCertificatePath;
private Surface mSurface;
private SurfaceTexture mSurfaceTexture;
private TextureView mPreviewTextureView, mVideoTextureView;
......@@ -131,17 +123,6 @@ public class AndroidPlatformHelper {
mWifiLock = wifiMgr.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF, "AndroidPlatformHelper");
String basePath = mContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
//make sure to follow same path as unix version of the sdk
mLinphoneRootCaFile = basePath + "/share/linphone/rootca.pem";
mRingSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/rings/notes_of_the_optimistic.mkv";
mRingbackSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/ringback.wav";
mPauseSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/rings/dont_wait_too_long.mkv";
mErrorToneFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/incoming_chat.wav";
mGrammarCpimFile = basePath + "/share/belr/grammars/cpim_grammar";
mGrammarVcardFile = basePath + "/share/belr/grammars/vcard_grammar";
mUserCertificatePath = basePath;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
......@@ -271,7 +252,7 @@ public class AndroidPlatformHelper {
Log.d("[Platform Helper] App doesn't seem to embed resource " + name + " in it's res/raw/ directory, use linphone's instead");
resId = mResources.getIdentifier(name, "raw", "org.linphone");
if (resId == 0) {
Log.i("[Platform Helper] App doesn't seem to embed resource " + name + " in it's res/raw/ directory. Make sure this file is either brought as an asset or a resource");
Log.d("[Platform Helper] App doesn't seem to embed resource " + name + " in it's res/raw/ directory. Make sure this file is either brought as an asset or a resource");
return resId;
......@@ -279,17 +260,36 @@ public class AndroidPlatformHelper {
private void copyAssetsFromPackage() throws IOException {
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Starting copy from assets to application files directory");
copyAssetsFromPackage(mContext, "org.linphone.core",".");
copyAssetsFromPackage(mContext, "org.linphone.core", ".");
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Copy from assets done");
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Starting copy from legacy resources to application files directory");
if (getResourceIdentifierFromName("cpim_grammar") != 0) {
private void copyLegacyAssets() throws IOException {
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Starting to copy legacy assets");
/*legacy code for 3.X*/
String basePath = mContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
//make sure to follow same path as unix version of the sdk
String mLinphoneRootCaFile = basePath + "/share/linphone/rootca.pem";
String mRingSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/rings/notes_of_the_optimistic.mkv";
String mRingbackSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/ringback.wav";
String mPauseSoundFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/rings/dont_wait_too_long.mkv";
String mErrorToneFile = basePath + "/share/sounds/linphone/incoming_chat.wav";
String mGrammarCpimFile = basePath + "/share/belr/grammars/cpim_grammar";
String mGrammarIdentityFile = basePath + "/share/belr/grammars/identity_grammar";
String mGrammarVcardFile = basePath + "/share/belr/grammars/vcard_grammar";
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("cpim_grammar"), mGrammarCpimFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("identity_grammar"), mGrammarIdentityFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("vcard_grammar"), mGrammarVcardFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("rootca"), mLinphoneRootCaFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("notes_of_the_optimistic"), mRingSoundFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("ringback"), mRingbackSoundFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("hold"), mPauseSoundFile);
copyEvenIfExists(getResourceIdentifierFromName("incoming_chat"), mErrorToneFile);
copyIfNotExist(getResourceIdentifierFromName("notes_of_the_optimistic"), mRingSoundFile);
copyIfNotExist(getResourceIdentifierFromName("ringback"), mRingbackSoundFile);
copyIfNotExist(getResourceIdentifierFromName("hold"), mPauseSoundFile);
copyIfNotExist(getResourceIdentifierFromName("incoming_chat"), mErrorToneFile);
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Copy from legacy resources done");
......@@ -325,27 +325,34 @@ public class AndroidPlatformHelper {
public static void copyAssetsFromPackage(Context ctx,String fromPath, String toPath) throws IOException {
new File(ctx.getFilesDir().getPath()+"/"+toPath).mkdir();
public static void copyAssetsFromPackage(Context ctx, String fromPath, String toPath) throws IOException {
File asset = new File(ctx.getFilesDir().getPath() + "/" + toPath);
for (String f :ctx.getAssets().list(fromPath)) {
String current_name = fromPath+"/"+f;
String current_dest = toPath+"/"+f;
for (String f : ctx.getAssets().list(fromPath)) {
String current_name = fromPath + "/" + f;
String current_dest = toPath + "/" + f;
File file = new File(ctx.getFilesDir().getPath() + "/" + current_dest);
InputStream lInputStream;
try {
if (file.exists() && (f.endsWith(".wav") || f.endsWith(".mkv"))) {
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Resource " + f + " already installed, skipping...");
lInputStream = ctx.getAssets().open(current_name);
} catch (IOException e) {
//probably a dir
copyAssetsFromPackage(ctx, current_name, current_dest);
FileOutputStream lOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(ctx.getFilesDir().getPath()+"/"+current_dest));//ctx.openFileOutput (fromPath+"/"+f, 0);
Log.i("[Platform Helper] Installing Resource " + f);
FileOutputStream lOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
int readByte;
byte[] buff = new byte[8048];
while (( readByte = != -1) {
lOutputStream.write(buff,0, readByte);
lOutputStream.write(buff, 0, readByte);