- Branches 20
- 3.10.x
- 3.11.1-fixes
- 3.11.x
- 3.3.x
- 3.6.x
- 3.8.x
- 3.9.x
- android-3.1.1
- android-3.2.3
- android_3.3.x
- compat/ios_app_5_3
- deleteme
- desktop_cmake_rework
- dev/parallel_tests
- dev_android
- dev_async_im_encryption_engine
- dev_lime_v2
- dev_new_sha256
- dev_proxy_auth
- dev_refactor_cpp
- Tags 20
- 5.4.4
- 5.4.3
- 5.4.2
- 5.4.1
- 5.3.107
- 5.5.0-alpha
- 5.4.0
- 5.3.106
- 5.3.105
- 5.3.104
- 5.4.0-beta
- 5.3.103
- 5.3.102
- 5.3.101
- 5.3.100
- 5.3.99
- 5.3.97
- 5.3.96
- 5.3.95
- 5.3.94
Commits to 2ae611838a10f8bb4d641b401e807b834ef46f12
Excluding merge commits. Limited to 6,000 commits.Ghislain MARY
1477 commits (ghislain.mary@belledonne-communications.com)
Simon Morlat
1351 commits (simon.morlat@linphone.org)
Gautier Pelloux-Prayer
687 commits (gautier.pelloux-prayer@belledonne-communications.com)
François Grisez
551 commits (francois.grisez@belledonne-communications.com)
Sylvain Berfini
522 commits (sylvain.berfini@belledonne-communications.com)
Jehan Monnier
440 commits (jehan.monnier@linphone.org)
239 commits (guillaume.bienkowski@belledonne-communications.com)
Sylvain Berfini
146 commits (sylvain.berfini@linphone.org)
Sandrine Avakian
138 commits (sandrine.avakian@belledonne-communications.com)
Erwan Croze
89 commits (erwan.croze@belledonne-communications.com)
Margaux Clerc
72 commits (margaux.clerc@belledonne-communications.com)
Johan Pascal
68 commits (johan.pascal@belledonne-communications.com)
Benjamin Reis
60 commits (benjamin.reis@belledonne-communications.com)
Guillaume Beraudo
37 commits (guillaume.beraudo@belledonne-communications.com)
François Grisez
24 commits (francois.grisez@grisezf.fr)
Yann Diorcet
16 commits (yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com)
Ronan Abhamon
14 commits (ronan.abhamon@belledonne-communications.com)
Brieuc Viel
11 commits (brieuc.viel@belledonne-communications.com)
François Grisez
11 commits (francois@grisezf.fr)
Christophe Deschamps
7 commits (christophe.deschamps@belledonne-communications.com)
Gautier Pelloux-Prayer
6 commits (gautier+git@damsy.net)
Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer
5 commits (pierre-eric.pelloux-prayer@belledonne-communications.com)
Margaux Clerc
5 commits (clercmargo@gmail.com)
Margaux Clerc
5 commits (margaux.clerc@belledonne-communications)
4 commits (guitreize@gmail.com)
3 commits (svalorzen@gmail.com)
Ben Sartor
2 commits (mail@ben-sartor.de)
Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer
2 commits (pierre-eric.pelloux-prayer@linphone.org)
REIS Benjamin
1 commit (reisbenjamin@macbook-pro-de-reis.local)
1 commit (buildbot@macmini-centos.bc-lan)
1 commit (trevora@edge-net.net)
Max A. Kiselev
1 commit (kiselev@molot.ru)
1 commit (eburke@edge-net.net)
1 commit (johan@mint)
François Grisez
1 commit (francois@mbp-de-francois.bc-lan)
margaux clerc
1 commit (mclerc@localhost.localdomain)