Commit 2c2beb57 authored by Sylvain Berfini's avatar Sylvain Berfini :cow:
Browse files

Fixed duplicated contacts in start call / conversation list

Showing with 5 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -254,9 +254,12 @@ abstract class AddressSelectionViewModel @UiThread constructor() : DefaultAccoun
if (address != null) {
val friend = coreContext.contactsManager.findContactByAddress(address)
if (friend != null) {
val found = contactsList.find { it.friend == friend }
if (found != null) continue
val model = ConversationContactOrSuggestionModel(address, friend = friend)
val avatarModel = coreContext.contactsManager.getContactAvatarModelForAddress(
val avatarModel = coreContext.contactsManager.getContactAvatarModelForFriend(
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